Virgin Active Gym London UK The Pack Group Cycle Class Review Walbrook

Virgin Active Gym The Pack Cycle Class Review

What’s the most fun and challenging workout in London? I’m voting for the Virgin Active gym ‘The Pack’ group cycle class. I was invited to a blogger/vlogger activity at the Virgin Active gym near Bank, Monument and Cannon Street underground stations recently and because I am always looking for new workouts, I obviously said yes. I had an awesome time!

The gym is relatively new and is one of the best fitness facilities I’ve ever visited. Below are the details about the class I took.

Virgin Active Gym Walbrook in London- The Pack group cycle class review

Virgin Active Gym The Pack: What Happens

We each received guest bands and a t-shirt for our team as we arrived. The shirts have our Twitter or Instagram handles on the back too! After dropping our stuff in the locker room, we had a quick meet and greet and headed to the cycle room. Virgin Active Gym Walbrook has two rooms that can be adjusted for air pressure to simulate different altitudes. The cycle studio we were in is one of them. The other room requires a medical release for you to train inside of it. There are shots of the room information in my YouTube video below.

We were divided in to three teams. I’m not really sure how the ‘bike’ knew to what team we belonged. Our instructor told us all how to enter basic details like gender, fitness level, etc. He also explained how to adjust the bike to match our height before we started.

Throughout the 45-minute class we had several challenges. For example, for the resistance challenge we had to watch our individual calculations on the bike to make sure we were within a certain resistance level like between 60-80. If we were too high above it, we wouldn’t gain points for our team because we weren’t applying enough resistance to our ride.

The ‘pink’ team, which I believe were the FitFam bloggers and vloggers, seemed to win nearly every challenge. However, the overall winner was a different team. You’ll have to watch the video to see who won. It’s based on whichever team travels the furthest distance.

Virgin Active Gym The Pack: Final Thoughts

I’ve taken cycling classes in Florida, New York and London and approximately 7-10 different gyms. This was by far the best. The instructor was great because he motivated everyone not only from his cycle in the front of the room but also by checking everyone’s individual results a few times during the class. The music was awesome.

I loved the giant screen in front of the room that counted down the time left in the group cycle class. It also would count down the time left for the various challenges.

If you like working out by yourself and want a new challenge, this workout at Virgin Active Gym is absolutely something to try.  I’m not sure if it’s at every one of their fitness facilities. I went Virgin Active Walbrook. The idea of being able to push myself at my own pace and comfort level while being motivated by not wanting to let my team down truly made a difference in my individual effort. You can see inside the gym and class in the video below. I’d love your thoughts about unique workouts in your area and what works for your fitness routine. If you’re visiting London and want to truly something really different, this would be an activity for you too. #TogetherWeRide

One Comment

  1. Super fun! I used to take classes all the time back in NYC and miss the vibe so much. If I’m ever in London, I’ll have to stop by!

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