Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

The Ampersand Hotel Science Tea and Chemistry

The experience I had at The Ampersand Hotel Science Tea was absolutely EXPLOSIVE! It definitely proves the equation that 16 bloggers plus a themed afternoon tea in Kensington, equals a real treat.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

I arrived a bit early to check out the hotel because I’ve heard it’s simply gorgeous. This was the room set up for our group.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

I bonded instantly with this stunning atmosphere.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

When our tea time began, the chatter and excitement in the room among the girls was another indicator the day would be fun. I made several new friends, including Jamie from Gunters Abroad. She’s lived a lot of places!

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Notice the camera there in the bottom right? We have the same one! So I was eager to receive some lessons from her during our tea.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Bloggers are cool like that. She and I definitely formed a compound bond!

Aside from being in the company of such talented bloggers, another catalyst to this great afternoon was starting with a glass of champagne.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Next, we ordered our individual teas. I chose peppermint, and it was a brew of sensory sensations. Each sip had a tingly bit of minty taste, and I swear left a slight buttery feel on my lips. WINNER!

When they delivered our sandwiches and sweets, we ignited our cameras to capture the delight for you.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

But, we all reached our blogger boiling points when they dropped this atom bomb on us.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Check that out, Sunny friends! Whatever enzyme they used to create this billowing fog streaming from the top tier created an electric charge in us that had the room buzzing with ooohs and ahhhhs!

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

I can’t wait to see how this picture turns out from Tina of Girl Meets Globe.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

With our protons fully charged, we all started to enjoy the tasty selections.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

The menu includes: Savoury gougeres – Glouster old spot ham, sauce gribiche; Cheese with fruit chutney; H.Forman & Son London smoked salmon, dill and cream cheese; Coronation chicken.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

As well as a warm selection of plain and white chocolate scones, served with Devonshire clotted cream and homemade strawberry preserve.

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea
And, let’s not forget that top layer which really galvanizes the Ampersand Hotel Science Tea:

Ampersand Hotel Science Tea

Pastries – Hazelnut, walnut and chocolate cake with mango mousse volcano and chocolate dinosaur, Pistachio macaroon with cherry sauce pipette, Raspberry cake planet and Citrus cocktail.

We all left buzzing about our experience at the Ampersand Hotel Science Tea. So, I’ll say if you’re looking for a way to periodically boost yourself with liquid and inner sunshine, go to the Ampersand Hotel Science Tea. It’s offered until March 21st.

If for some reason you can’t get your beakers in order by then, they also offer a Mother’s Day Tea from March 22nd-March 30th.

Special thanks to the Ampersand Hotel for having me as a guest for the purposes of writing a review. In addition, thank you Selena from Selena the Places for coordinating such a wonderful afternoon.


    1. It was great to meet you as well! Thank you for reading, Tina. I’m sure your pictures will all be gorgeous. Can’t wait to see them. 🙂

  1. Love this! Always so nice to see quirky original afternoon teas and this one looks really fun as well as delicious! x

    1. Thank you for reading, Angie. It was simply fabulous. I think you would really enjoy it. Aside from the food being so “photogenic”, it is also truly delicious.

    1. Sammy, one of these days the two of us have to end up in the same place! This virtual friendship is awesome, but we definitely need to connect soon. 🙂

  2. “But, we all reached our blogger boiling points when they dropped this atom bomb on us.”

    You are so creative, Melanie! I loved all of your science references throughout this post! It was so wonderful meeting you in person! Good luck with your job search – I hope something truly great comes your way!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! So glad we finally got to meet in person at the tea. The post was fun to write. I guess I just couldn’t hold back on all the academic references 😉 I’ll let you know when I find a position. Until then, it’s full time blogging!

  3. Great photos and clever with the science references. 🙂 I’m liking seeing everyone’s photos from different ends of the table.

    1. Thank you Erin! As a former educator, I couldn’t resist the reverting back to the “lingo.” I agree that it’s fun to see everyone’s interpretations of the same event from different angles.

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