A Blogger Gift Guide- 5 Must Have Products

Are you a passionate blogger who needs all the right tools to make sure you can devote more time to content? Or maybe there’s a blogger or two on your gift list this season? Before we start off our list, you need to think about your blogging recipient and think about what they actually need and will make use of.

This blogger gift guide will put you on the right track for success either as a gift-giver or as a serious blogger.

If someone said to me, ‘Pick your five products that every blogger needs to survive,’ this gift guide absolutely is the list!

It features my top recommendations for a blogger who really wants to rock 2015, as well as the reasons why I picked the products.

Blogger Gift Guide 2015

Blogger Gift Guide Item #1- A Compact Camera

This is the hottest version of the Sony Advanced Cybershot. It’s currently priced at £449 on Amazon.co.uk.

Sony Advanced Cybershot Digital Compact Camera

It’s the newest model of the camera I’ve used for a year on my blog. There are so many bloggers that have this camera! I put a ‘Sunny in London’ sticker on mine so I make sure no one accidentally takes it at a blogger event. I’m not kidding.


I love the camera because it takes incredible pictures in all settings. I’m never jealous of bloggers who drag around ginormous cameras. Mine fits easily in every handbag, and if you look through my posts, you can see the quality of images it captures.

The camera also shoots video well both in day light and at night.

Blogger Gift Guide Item #2- An iPad Air Cover

This is the keyboard cover I recommend. It’s currently featured for £32.99. I love it because of the automatic shut off feature when it closes. This feature preserves battery life, and anyone who is constantly checking on social media, emails and blog stats needs a powerful battery.

Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Hard Case for iPad Air – Black

Another reason a blogger would appreciate this cover is it makes blogging super easy when traveling. For a travel blogger who frequently flies, or a cosmopolitan blogger who has a big city commute, this cover saves time and aggrevation. It’s just not feasible to carry a laptop every where. Having a keyboard integrated via Bluetooth with the iPad Air makes all the difference.

Blogger Gift Guide Item #3- An Action Camera

Blogging has absolutely become more adventurous and image based. This is why a blogger needs the GoPro Hero if he/she is just taking on this realm of story telling. My next purchase will be the camera below…


I picked this product for the blogger gift guide because it’s very reasonably priced. At £94, there’s no wonder why it’s a #1 Best Seller. Compared to many other action cameras on the market, this one provides an affordable avenue for a blogger to get his/her action groove on and test the adventure filming waters. And oh yeah, it is waterproof.

Blogger Gift Guide Item #4- A Tripod

With top reviews and a great price (£29.99), this tripod is the one to buy. Most hobby bloggers can take a majority of their shots with just a steady hand. However, there are certainly times when it takes more to cover a story.

If the blogger you know already has a tripod on his/her wish list, this one is a very affordable option. If you want to surprise a blogger with a thoughtful gift that he/she may not have had room to include, this one hits high for that too.

Velbon Aluminium Photo/Video Tripod

Blogger Gift Guide Item #5- Video Editing Software

Any blogger first testing the video waters should start with free software. They could use software like Windows Live Movie Maker or iMovie, all of which are free. That’s what I initially used. But, I quickly tired of the limited options. As a former journalist with experience in film, video and sound editing, I knew that purchasing software was the only option. Further, Mr. Sunny also edited video and sound for years as a camerman for NBC News.

Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum

We both love the Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum currently featured for £68.04. It’s certainly intricate, but the tutorials built within the program are a true highlight. Mostly, I like the ability to switch betweet simple and advanced editing while I continue to work on my skills.

It’s not a beginner’s level software, but it’s truly as much as a blogger needs to produce amazing transitions and other effects. The video and sound layering abilities in this software really outweigh what you find in free options.

I still have a lot to learn about it. But, I’m confident the Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum will serve my filmmaking needs as a blogger/vlogger for a few years.

Blogger Gift Guide: Final Thoughts:

There’s tons of gadgets I could recommend for further to boost your blogger’s toy collection. However, this gift guide simply focused on the inital items one needs to be in the ‘business.’

What accessories would you add to this blogger list? Is there a certain gadget you can’t live without in your blogging life?


  1. Thanks for the tips Sunny there are some fabulous recommendations.

    A GoPro is definitely on my wish list for next year. I can’t believe how cheap it is! I always saw them as costing hundreds of pounds. Mind you I did see a demonstration of Sony’s rival camera in a Best Buy and that looked superb.

    Good tip on the compact camera. Admittedly it looks very expensive. I recently changed to a Nikon compact and I have to say I am extremely disappointed with the results. I really want a high quality, compact camera. I do have a fabulous bridge camera, yet as you say they are not always practical to carry around.

    Video editing! Crikey that is always a challenge. Since moving to an Apple Macbook Air I do miss Windows Movie Maker. I’m still trying to figure out iMovie. Movie editing has never been a strong area for me. It just seems like something else which needs a heck of a lot of time (which I don’t have) to invest to learn, just like GIMP.

    1. Thank you again for reading! Yes, I too was shocked at how cheap a Go Pro can be. It’s a relatively affordable investment for someone taking the initial steps in to adventure video. I can’t say enough about how much I love my compact Sony camera. Sorry the Nikon isn’t living up to your expectations. Glad you agree video editing is a challenge, especially when there are so many other activities to demand our attention! Any devices that you can’t live without for travelling?

        1. Haha! I’ve started using my iPhone as my iPod just to cut down on items! I really feel like a not so sexy James Bond when I go through security with bags of electronic devices. 🙂

  2. Great list Melanie! I love that compact camera – I’ve mainly used my phone camera all this time and usually leave the DSLR to my hubby as I find it a bit bulky so this little thing could end up being ideal! Hope you’re enjoying the festive season 🙂

    1. Thank you! There are cheaper models than the one I picked also. But, I think the amount of bloggers that have the camera speaks volumes about it’s quality and reliablility. Happy festivities to you too!

    1. Thank you for reading, Michela. What a great idea! I should utilize audio recorder options more rather than frantically trying to take notes while I’m doing everything. Best of luck with your Go Pro. I don’t think enough people realize how relatively cheap they can be if you’re just starting. 🙂

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