Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea for the Queen’s Birthday

Looking for ways to join Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday celebrations in London? Add the Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea might to your royal birthday bucket list.

Recently, a friend and I had the opportunity to experience this delight as we dined in the newly refurbished Park Room at The Grosvenor House a JW Marriott Hotel.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

A visit to the Mayfair area of London is always a treat for me. Its exclusive atmosphere and rising restaurant scene make it one of the most intriguing districts in London for those who have a taste for luxury. Therefore, when an invitation to have a complimentary try of a five-star Mayfair hotel’s latest launch of a themed afternoon tea arrived, it didn’t take long to send my psoitive RSVP.

The Park Room at Grosvenor House exudes sophistication while showing an airy, contemporary design. The beautiful views which overlook the Royal Hyde Park are tough to beat on a sunny day. Having a table next to a window is particularly brilliant. Everything really popped in to place for us when we were served this beautiful palette cleansing ‘drink’…

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

I don’t wish to be repetitive, but, you really do need to see a 360º view of this sizzling treasure. So, below are two more angles in which I want you to pay particular attention to what’s dancing around the white chocolate centerpiece.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

I can’t reveal the secret ingredients, but I will say that when combined in your mouth with the silky drink you see, an explosion takes place. Literally.

For my American readers, you’ll relate to the ‘pop rocks’ carbonated candy that triggers a fizzy reaction when placed on your tongue. The tickly sensation that happens when you eat this ring of  candy is an extraordinary surprise to the start of the Grosvenor House afternoon tea.

Of course, the ultimate adult bubbles quickly follow if you choose the champagne version of the tea. If you’re a regular Sunny blog reader, you know what picture is on its way.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

My friend’s drink is the rosé. Both are Ruinart champagne and both evaporated in our hands nearly as fast as the white chocolate candy loops.

Not soon after, a Selection of Finger Sandwiches arrived including:
– Coronation Chicken
– Cucumber with Minted Butter
– Honey Roast Yorkshire  Ham with Colman’s English Mustard
– Coldwater Prawns with Marie Rose Sauce

You probably already guessed that the Coronation Chicken was my favourite. In fact, another reason I jumped so fast for this opportunity is because I was nearly certain that the Grosvenor House afternoon tea honouring the Queen would include this type of finger sandwich. It is my favourite British food, next to Mr. Sunny’s Toad in the Hole recipe.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Tea sandwich shots don’t really create a buzz on Instagram, but this next one sure does! This is the tray full of open sandwiches for us to try and it includes: Formans Smoked Scottish Salmon with Cream Cheese and Prawn, Burford Brown Clarence Court Egg Mayonnaise with Cress.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Did you notice the salmon is presented in the shape of roses? That’s one clever chef!

Next, we enjoyed Plain and Raisin Buttermilk Scones with Devonshire Clotted Cream. What is striking about this part of the Grosvenor House afternoon tea is the choice of British jams. They are: strawberry, gooseberry, raspberry, rose petal, blackcurrant, rhubarb and ginger. I usually try to pile on as much cream as possible, but on this occasion I was equally as interested in the rose petal jam. It gets an A* from me.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

I’d say that the final round of food is the assortment of seasonal Royal afternoon tea pastries. However, it’s not the final act. The tasty treats include:  The Queen’s chocolate biscuit cake, Silver Jubilee strawberry and White peach pavlova, Cherry and “Zaza” Dubonnet Jelly, Fresh English Raspberry and jam shortbread, Windsor honey and apricot Dundee Cake. Each have a unique story which reflects the Queen’s preference.

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Our favourite was the chocolate biscuit cake. Finishing this plate is tough, especially if you take advantage of the additional offering of finger sandwiches like I did. However, the last round of food includes selecting a fresh home baked caked from the table in the centre of Park Room.

Since we figured it would absolutely be rude not too, each of us chose a cake to finalise our Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea experience. I mean- you wouldn’t want to offend the Queen now would you? 😉

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea Hyde Park London for Queen's 90th Birthday

Chocolate cake and Victorian Sponge Cake at its finest. My friend and I struggled to take the final bites, not because they weren’t delicious, but because like the pop rocks, our waist lines were starting to explode after all the sweet treats.

The Grosvenor House Afternoon Tea in honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday is offered at £42.50 without champagne. It’s priced well against other 5-star hotels’ themed afternoon tea in my opinion. Initially, I felt the presentation for two people was a bit light. However, between the extra finger sandwiches and home baked table cakes, I changed this opinion when I realised my eyes were much bigger than my stomach.

If you’re seeking an elegant ambiance in Mayfair to celebrate this royal event, then the Grosvenor House afternoon tea is certainly worthy of your time.

What celebrations for the Queen’s Birthday can you recommend, Sunny friends?

One Comment

  1. Ooh this looks so yummy! That candy pop drink sounds really interesting – but I think I have my heart set most on trying the chocolate biscuit cake! It’s what Her Madge would want afterall. 🙂

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