
Hyatt Regency Nice France Review- Where to Stay in Cote d’Azur

What do you look for when choosing a hotel? Mr Sunny and I quickly decided on the Hyatt Regency Nice France or the ‘Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Mediterranee’ for our four night stay in the south of France. It was one of the top hotels featured on all of the holiday booking websites we researched. We knew we wanted our room to have a view of the sea and a balcony. I did not really mean for that to rhyme, but everything just becomes poetic in France, doesn’t it?


Hyatt Regency Nice France Review- Location

As I mentioned, our primary reason for choosing the Hyatt Regency hotel in Nice is because it faces the beach. If you look at Google maps, you will see it is located on the famous Promenade des Anglais. And if you want a moving look at all we could see and do from our hotel, I have made a YouTube video about it too.


It is a short ride from the Nice Airport. We took Uber both to and from the hotel to the airport. Our flight to London departed at 7:15pm so we left the hotel at 4:30pm. By 5:15 we had checked our bag with British Airways and been through security. The ride was about €15.

Aside from those two Uber rides, the only time we used any transportation was trains for our day trips. The station was just an easy 10 minute walk away.

The Hyatt Regency, in our opinion, is perfectly located within walking distance of Old Town. We spent two days wandering the streets there and even had the chance to explore the views from Castle Hill, which are said to the best of Nice and the beach. That is where I took the photograph above. It’s actually at the top of this… and yes we walked all the way to the top!


I would strongly suggest you have a sea view room because the azure water is such a treat to see from the moment you wake up each day. We also slept with the balcony door open a few nights. The sound of the ocean waves rolling on to the beach throughout the night was especially soothing. It absolutely reminded me of when I lived on the beach in my hometown Daytona Beach, Florida.


Hyatt Regency Nice France- Service

Our room was very clean, freshly made and spacious, and we never once actually saw an attendant. They are pretty stealthy!

Each day we were greeted and seated immediately for breakfast. I never waited more than 2 minutes for my morning latte. As a person who spent 10+ years living in New York, a good coffee very early is a non-negotiable for me.

The pastries at breakfast are lovely. I was surprised to see several separate shelves of baked goods each day that were gluten free. However, after eating responsibly our first morning, I decided to give in the rest of the trip and indulged in the real deal. I am so grateful I did because one morning they had cheese cake and it was divine! Surely, you saw my plate that day on Instagram? If not, you might want to give me a follow so you have all the behind the scenes views of the Sunny adventures!



Most noteworthy in terms of service during our stay was the evening concierge, Antonio. We relied on his advice several times for restaurants nearby and travel tips for our day trips to Monaco and Cannes. Our favourite French food experience, Franchine, was his suggestion our first evening.

Mr Sunny enjoyed the pool one morning. He did try to go for a swim when we returned from our day trip from Cannes but the water was a bit too cold and there were quite a few kids already in the water. To be fair, we did stay at the end of October so the fact that he was able to enjoy it one day is quite remarkable. Temperatures highs were around 70°-75° Fahrenheit each day of our visit.


Hyatt Regency Nice France- Final Thoughts

Our four night trip to Nice was easily my favorite one this year. Vienna in February was ridiculously cold and grey. Prague in the end of May was sweltering. The French Rivieria is breathtaking. It’s a much quieter and more relaxed version of South Beach, Miami, albeit French not Cuban- influenced obviously.

However, from the conversations I had with the Nice locals, I don’t think the temperatures we experienced are typical of this time of year. Our Uber driver for the return to the airport trip indicated that it is typical for it to be as sunny as we saw it in mid-Autumn but definitely cooler.

We booked our trip as a package holiday through British Airways. You can also see the hotel’s excellent reviews on TripAdvisor too.

I can’t imagine the Côte d’Azur ever being unpleasant. What thoughts do you have Sunny friends? Was our weather really atypical? Do you have any south of France suggestions for other readers?

If you would like a closer ‘sea view’ of the amazing sights of Nice, with a few tips too, don’t forget I have a video for you. Ugh- again with the rhyming!!


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