Liebster Award Speech- How to Help New Bloggers

‘I would like to thank the Academy, the Hollywood Foreign Press, my agent, my parents, my sister, Mr. Sunny, and the people who nominated me- Bryony of Breakfast at Bryonys and Bettina of Define Her Allure. Most of all, I’d like to thank the little people. Because I am one of them.

In all honesty, I really don’t know what a Liebster Award is. In fact, a few weeks ago, someone nominated me, and I didn’t follow through with the Award obligations. Mostly, it’s because I didn’t understand what it is. So, when I received a second and third nomination, it was clear I must follow the call to action.

As bloggers, we do our best to build a brand and network. We know what it’s like to start from zero.

We’ve felt the emptiness of the initial Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+ accounts. The excitement of receiving those first ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ is an unforgettable feeling. Hopefully, those who have worked through those moments of courage and delight make an effort to help those just starting the adventure.

So, as I proudly accept this award, I ask you to follow some steps that I use.

How to help new bloggers:
– I follow any person back on Twitter who has ‘blogger’ in his/her bio AND has taken the time to write a well-written description.
– I put every blogger who follows me on a Twitter ‘Blogger’ list. Today it has nearly 1,000 accounts on it. Follow the bloggers on it.
– Whenever I see an account just starting out, I retweet their ‘call for followers’. Just ask Turtle.’ @thelondonturtle

1. London is my favourite city in the world.
2. I love to dance and really enjoyed taking salsa lessons.
3. I’ve never eaten ribs or drank a margherita.
4. I’m not sure what colour my eyes are, so I say ‘grey.’ Sometimes they look green or blue, depending on what I’m wearing.
5. My first name is Melanie. But, if you call me ‘Sunny’, I’m totally cool with it.
6. If I try to sing anything by Rihanna or Miley Cyrus, any glass in the general area would probably shatter.
7. I ran a half marathon once.
8. I have two Master of Science degrees.
9. I had a short gig as a Tram Tour guide at Universal Studios Florida.
10. Champagne is my drunk of choice.
11. Through reading Sunny in London, you can learn a lot about London and me.

Liebster Nominations:
1. Oh the Places We Will Go!
2. Kings Road Rocks
3. A Life Less Beige
4. Silverspoon London
5. Cocktails and Caroline
6. Around the World in 80 Pairs of Shoes
7. Small Dog Syndrome
8. Love and London
9. Quintessentially Me
10. The London Turtle
11. To the Days Like This

Questions from Nominator:
1. What inspired you to start a Blog?

Since I always receive a crumpled facial expression from British people when I say I moved to London from Florida, I started a blog. I truly believe London is full of sunshine, even though sometimes it is in the form of liquid sunshine or activities that make you feel inner sunshine.

2. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?Monaco. I’ve always loved glamour, sophistication and the beach. I wonder if it’s better than South Beach Miami.
3. What one piece of advice would you have given to your teenage self? Stay with your dreams. Hard work and a focused attitude is the path to success.
4. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it consist of? A classic black sheath dress. This ‘Audrey Hepburn look’ will never go out of style.
5. Who is your favourite artist? Madonna. I know very little about art, as in the pieces displayed at the V&A. Therefore, I’ll say I admire Madonna for her iconic artistic influence and ability to be a pioneer in music and fashion for decades.
6. What is your favourite social media platform that you use to promote your Blog?
Instagram. It’s the fastest and easiest. Plus, it requires people to show ordinary life with creativity and flair, if done right! However, I don’t think it’s the best media for blog promotion.
7. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
When I married my husband, I left a very lucrative job as a school leader in America. I decided to return to my original career in media/PR in London. Through months of blogging and networking I earned a position as a Social Media Director for an amazing company in Mayfair.
8. If you could meet any celebrity or influential figure past or present, who would it be and why?
Vince Vaughn or Justin Timberlake. I like to be entertained.
9. Who in your life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?
My mother. She dedicated her entire life to raising my sister and I to be strong, independent, moral individuals.
10. What is one trend that you absolutely hate?
Receiving a DM on Twitter with a Facebook page follow request.
11. What is your favourite word and why?
FABULOUS! *No explanation required*

1. Do you know what a Liebster Award is?
2. If you could interview anyone for your blog and turn it in to a post, who would it be?
3. What software or websites are essential for you to blog?
4. What post on your blog do you wish everyone would read?
5. What makes your blog unique?
6. How does your logo represent your blog?
7. How much time does it take you to write a blog post?
8. What goals do you have for your blog in the next year?
9. What format do you use (WordPress, Blogger, etc) and would you recommend it?
10. Do you use affiliate links to monetise your blog?
11. How do you help beginning bloggers?


  1. Congrats on the award!! Haha I love the intro! I agree… I had no clue what a Liebster was to start. Once I looked into it I liked the premise – helping new bloggers build their following and helping others discover blogs they may never have come across otherwise. Pretty cool how we all help each other out.

    Have a good day!

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