
Rosewood London, Cabaret and a Sexy Video!


That word kicks off one of the most acclaimed films of all time, Citizen Kane. Prior to this bursting dialogue, the audience sees a castle set far back from the road, encased in shadows and darkness. Orson Welles says the mysterious word, a snow globe falls from his hand and the mystery begins. From there, the viewer pieces together the puzzle. The puzzle ironically fits together through a blazing fire.

Ok. Before you go immediately scrolling down to the blog comments to correct me, I know the movie begins with ‘RoseBUD’ not Rosewood. But I couldn’t help but think of the beginning of this epic film as I approached the Rosewood London on a recent Sunday night. I was invited for Cabaret at Scarfes Bar. And it was epic. Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-BarRosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-BarRosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

Now, I’ve never been to a Cabaret. But, I have taught drama and acting courses, directed a few musicals and worked at a film studio.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect as I headed to Holborn, where the Rosewood London made its mark just over a year ago. However, knowing the edgy, yet luxurious reputation of the hotel which sits back in the shadows of the street High Holborn, I knew I would be dazzled.

I’ll describe the Cabaret at Scarfes Bar as ‘Explosively Sexy and Fun!’ I highly recommend it for a hot date night in a new romance. Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

Meet one of the powerhouse performers in the Cabaret at Scarfes Bar at Rosewood London. Prior to the show starting, cast members floated through the lounge in costume and character and mingled with the crowd. I asked her to pose for this picture just as the show started.

Normally I like a big barrier between a performer and myself. I quite enjoy a two dimensional suspension of disbelief. This is not the case at the Rosewood London Cabaret show.

The actors never made me uncomfortable as they sifted through the audience. Let’s attribute this to their outrageous wit and improv skills.

The show begins with Dusty Limits on the mic. He’s been on London’s forefront of the new cabaret scene since 1999. His vocal strength and magnetic presence make him clearly a commander of the stage.Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-BarRosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

Next, his co-star dazzles with sass and substance as she performs a solo song which stretches all through Scarfes Bar.Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

The banter among the cast members is fun, adult humored and engaging. As the night progresses, the sex appeal increases, and so does the amount of champagne poured for my table. I loved that the cast members sip some too. Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

This whirling beauty’s wings floated in the air, as her costume drifted off in to the night too. Yes, boys, I wasn’t kidding when I said this Cabaret is sexy.Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-Bar

The show is full of fun teasers and illusions. The night I attended there was a guest performer who captivated us all as he performed tricks on a chair.


And after one little intermission, our table really went topsy turvy with this tantalizing twist…

We even had another intermission filled with magic tricks and illusions at our table too.
Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-BarFor several hours, I sipped champagne, laughed and even wanted to jump on the bar and swing my groove thang. But, I kept to my better senses and left it to the professionals.
Rosewood-London-Cabaret-Scarfes-BarEvery other Sunday at Rosewood London kicks off with the same dramatic fashion. Just follow the mysterious fire in to the hotel. Trust me, the story that awaits you at Cabaret in Scarfes Bar is a hell of a lot sexier than the one behind the doors of Xanadu in Citizen Kane.

I can tell you the show is every other Sunday and starts around 7:30pm. The show is for age 18+, and you need to book your tickets in advance. It also stars Lili La Scala, Valeriya Murzak, Sammy Dinneen, Vicky Butterfly and Laura London, as well as cabaret trio Tom Carradine, Tom Mansi and Jonathan Kitching.

If you want the scoop on where the best table is located, I can tell you that too. Just message me 😉 Or, if you need Rosewood Hotel reviews and rates, click here.

What I can’t tell you is just how edgy and sexy this show can be. But, maybe, if no one’s looking over your shoulder, you might click on this little video below that I made for my peeping Sunny friends. Go on then…. I won’t tell anyone.

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