Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

The Mr. Sunny in London Pub Crawl- “Avoiding Selfridges”

It’s no secret that Mr. Sunny designs every London Pub Crawl I write. He takes great pride in the research, and… he does a damn fine job. He just asks to be paid in beer. 😉

Our most recent pub crawl was completely impromptu. We had a dinner reservation in the St. Christopher’s area and were early. We popped in to the Lamb and Flag on James Street for our standard small vino and Stella.

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

Mr. Sunny grabbed our liquid sunshine from the bar, sat down and declared, “Sweetheart, you have no idea how many hours I’ve spent in here, while you were over there,” and he pointed down the street.

I had no idea what he meant.

He then explained that he knew the pubs surrounding Selfridges all too well.

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

We struck a deal years ago that he would “shop” with me as long as it included ample pub time for him. (Ok, ladies, I’m sure you appreciate my genius right about now. It’s a win-win for ME!)

Shop. Drink. Shop. Drink.

That’s how we roll.

Anyhow, here’s a quick shot of the Lamb and Flag interior.

Mr Sunny London Pub CrawlWe finished our round, and Mr. Sunny decided he’d take me on a quick tour of his other go-to shopping safe zones.

Next is the Henry Holland on 39 Duke Street. It’s literally across from the department store.

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

Mr. Sunny says this is “The REAL Selfridges Men’s Waiting Room.”

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

This pub has a great deal of character both inside and out.

Mr Sunny London Pub CrawlMr Sunny London Pub CrawlMr. Sunny and I love it, and we feel it’s a bit friendlier than the Lamb and Flag.

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

Although, while we were there an ambulance drove by with its sirens blaring. Mr. Sunny whispered to me, “I always get worried when that happens because I think some poor bloke around here just got the shopping bill from his Mrs.”

He’s such a comedian.

We had another round of drinks and then headed to Mr. Sunny’s favourite…

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

The Devonshire Arms is the furthest from Selfridges and is located on 7 Duke Street.

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl (5) Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl (4) Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

We are officially declaring this pub the WINNER!

Mr Sunny London Pub Crawl

So, ladies, if you fancy bringing your man shopping for the day, maybe you can entice him with the Mr Sunny in London Pub Crawl- “Avoiding Selfridges”?

Fellas, keep this list handy in the event your ray of loving sunshine wants to drag you out for a “fun” day of sleeve pulling and shoe gawking. You can thank me later.


  1. Do you know that there’s a bar in the man’s shoe department at Selfridges? It’s like a man creche!! Mr Silver doesn’t need it though cos he loves shopping!!

    I would recommend you and Mr Sunny try a pub crawl around Belgravia, there’s some lovely gastro pubs. The Thomas Cubbitt and The Pantechnicon are my favourites!!
    Lots of Love,
    SilverSpoon London

  2. Sounds as though the Sunny household has the secret to a harmonious relationship………let him think he’s doing you a favor by going and a little beer extends the shopping trip……..genius for sure! Will they NEVER catch on?? Looks like you both had a splendid day!

    1. Thank you! The Marylebone area is one that I really need to visit more often. I’ve only been there a few times, and it’s so gorgeous. Any suggestions you have of specific places would be appreciated!

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