Sunny London Tower View Shard

The best sunny London day experience…

Can you guess what the hottest activity for a sunny London day would be? There really is nothing in Europe, and I literally mean nothing, that can top this experience. Extend your eyes over this glittering tower of glass, my friends…

Sunny London View Shard

You just scanned 87 levels of undeniable architectural elegance. It represents the highest vantage point in Western Europe and registers at 244m.

Welcome to The View from the Shard!

Sunny London Tower View Shard

Whether you’re a born Londoner or visitor, taking in this 360° view of this glorious city is a must do!  Recently, Mr. Sunny and I had the opportunity. We loved it!

We hit a few pubs before our scheduled time (stay tuned for the Shard Pub Crawl), and had dinner at Azzurro. Just as we paid our bill, I asked Mr. Sunny if he was ready for the Shard adventure. He said, ‘After that big dinner, I hope the people 69 floors below me are ready for my fear of heights.’


Once we cleared security at the Shard, we began our journey with an elevator ride up to Level 33. In smooth seconds, we exited and were quickly directed to a second lift. Yet again, we felt teleported to another Level, 68. And this is what we found…

Sunny London Blog View Shard

The View from the Shard is nothing short of breathtaking.

Sunny London View Shard City Sunny London View Shard

You have the ability to see 250 of London landmarks.

Sunny London View Shard Canary Wharf
Canary Wharf
Sunny London View Shard St Pauls Cathedral
St Paul’s Cathedral
Sunny London Tower View Shard
The Tower of London

If you desire to see the cityscape even further, they have 12 state of the art digital ‘Tell:scopes’ available. They even have ‘night vision!’

Sunny London Blog View Shard

However, since Mr. Sunny wasn’t at all bothered by the elevation, he made quick use of his own super zoom lens and wanted you to have an even closer look at the Tower…

Sunny London Tower View Shard
The Tower of London

And here’s my shot of The Gherkin…

Sunny London View Shard Gherkin
The Gherkin

Mr. Sunny’s version…

Sunny London View Shard Gherkin
The Gherkin

While totally at ease, Mr. Sunny had a bit more fun his camera and stood a little closer to the windows..

Sunny London View Shard (6) We even ventured to the open air level…

Sunny London View Shard

And he thought you’d really like to see what he calls ‘The View from the Loo’

Sunny London View Shard

You just gotta love him, right? 😉

Oh yeah, and he thought this shot of the HMS Belfast was pretty neat too…

Sunny London View Shard

Since opening in February 2013, this iconic structure has trumped every landmark in London for many reasons. That’s why I’m officially declaring it the best activity for a sunny London day!

Even if you’re afraid of heights, this is well worth the experience. In fact, the only thing that made our stomachs drop was the price of the champagne! But, we both agreed this view was truly worth celebrating in style.

Sunny London Blog View Shard

My advice for experiencing The View from the Shard:

– Watch the weather and book your tickets in advance on their website for sunset on a sunny London day. Sunset was scheduled for 7:45pm the day we went. We booked our tickets for entrance at 6:30pm. You’re allowed to arrive within a 30 minute period of your ticket. You may stay until it closes.

Sunny London Eye View Shard

– Mr. Sunny’s ticket was purchased the day we went and was £29.95. Tickets for children are £23.95.  You can save 15% off ticket prices by booking at least a day prior to your visit.

– Take the most powerful zoom lens camera that you have, but be advised tripods and other ginormous paraphernalia are prohibited.

– Know that the sun does indeed set on the English empire, and it’s a regal sight.

Sunny London Eye View Shard

The View from the Shard is located at Joiner Street, SE1 9QU, London and is open from 9:00am – 10:00pm daily (closed on 25 December). The nearest tube/rail station is London Bridge.

For the purposes of writing a review, my entrance to the View from the Shard was complimentary.

If you have any questions about our View from the Shard experience, please ask me! I’m also interested in any fun activities you would recommend on a sunny London day…A View from the Shard Review


    1. Sammy, it was too funny when my husband walked out of the restroom and said, “I got a GREAT picture in there!” I remembered the one you posted on a social network from your experience at The View from the Shard. I think you had posted two toilets in a matter of a week. This activity was certainly a highlight for me in all the things I’ve done. The sunset option was AMAZING! Glad you made it ‘home’ safely today. 🙂

  1. Funnily enough I did this on Saturday and put a post up about it yesterday, you’re right that there are gorgeous views, I agree about taking a big zoom lens too, I had so much fun zooming in on buildings around the city.

    1. Thank you for commenting! I’m looking forward to reading your post and will find it now. My husband’s zoom lens made the experience even more memorable, as he was able to get some excellent pictures.

  2. AWESOME! I wasn’t sure if it was worth going… your photo’s definitely make me want to go! Thanks for sharing.

  3. My jaw dropped from that view from the loo 😀
    And I surely will drop by the Shard if I visit London.. when? that I don’t know. haha But I’ve been hearing a lot of great experiences and seeing a lot of great pictures taken so this definitely I must-try. 🙂

    1. Thank you for reading. This is definitely something I would suggest doing. Since we live here, it was easier to know what to look for. It may help to go with someone who can show you where things are.

  4. Great post, view from the shard is a wonderful experience and also fantastic for a date. the bars on the lower levels (31st floor) are well worth a visit as though not as high you don’t have to pay for entrance just for a drinks.

  5. I really want to go but the price just really puts me off (same with the London Eye) it’s on “the list” though lol x

    1. Thank you for reading. It is possible to get discounted tickets, if you book in advance online. But, I understand it’s tough to do everything in London!

  6. Great views! I was so keen to go up the Shard I booked tickets for the month it opened – unfortunately that was February and we had fog and snow so it didn’t look quite like it did for you! Will make it back sometime (well maybe catch the view from one of the bars anyway…).

    1. Lucy, that sounds disappointing for a visit. I think it’s best to book the tickets just a day or two in advance when you have a good idea of the forecast. The bars sound like a great alternative though!

  7. Oh my goodness, these pictures are incredible!! I really really really want to go up the Shard, but the unpredictable London weather is what’s putting me off it at the moment… Thank you for sharing such wonderful snaps 🙂 x
    | Life as a Petite |

  8. Lucky you! A nice, sunny day. Btw, you can save yourself a chunk of change and forgo the top of the Shard by going to Oblix/Aqua Shard/Hutong for a meal or drink. The view is fabulous (and I think weirdly better?) and all your money goes to cocktails. Also, the bathrooms are fabulous lol.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion, Megan! We’ll have to try it in the future. I did like the open air option at the top. On a nice night, it’s breathtaking! But for a date, I could see how two people would enjoy one of the bars also. And yeah, what a view in the loo!

  9. This building definitely needs to be a prop for Sim City 4 Rush Hour as a modded building. It could be a *landmark* you unlock once your population reaches a certain size.

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