
Cocochan and the Flippin’ Fabulous Fish

Cocochan has been making me crazy for months. Not kidding.

I first discovered this Pan Asian Restaurant on Twitter in December. I really don’t remember who followed whom first. Since then, I’ve watched the restaurant’s Twitter account ignite. Its social media reach is exploding. The pictures posted of the food are insane.

So, what’s the story behind this place?

Cocochan is located right near Selfridges in St. Christopher’s Square.
CocochanIt’s always packed.

Every time I walked by, I was intrigued. Mr. Sunny and I stopped by once to introduce ourselves to the magician behind the social media accounts. We also checked out the menu. It was excellent bait for us. We’re sushi lovers.

For Mr. Sunny’s birthday on Friday June 13th, I decided to treat him to an ‘All You Can Eat Birthday Meal’ at Cocochan. Yeah, I know it was his birthday, so he should’ve had the choice. However, since I was paying, I got the final say. And, I had to make sure it was Blogalicious.

We arrived and were escorted to a special reserved table. Next, we were given complimentary champagne and our water glasses featured two origami butterflies…
CocochanThe butterflies said “Happy Birthday, Mr. Sunny!’ Clever, indeed.

The menu was overwhelming. We didn’t know how to decide. As we waded through it, we munched on some gorgeous green peppers.
CocochanI finally decided on a Maki Sushi selection. This is the Salmon and Avocado Hoso Maki.
Cocochan Salmon and Avocado Hoso MakiAnd, yeah, you’re going to see that ‘Happy Birthday, Mr. Sunny’ butterfly in just about every picture. It was such a nice gesture, I want to feature it as much as possible.

Mr. Sunny had Crab, Enoki and Saffron Dumplings from the Starter section of the Specials menu.
CocochanMr. Sunny says, ‘They were bloody lovely!’

In fact, there were a few more in the serving. We were so excited about the wonderful flavours of both Starters that we forgot to photograph his when it first arrived. Oops.

For our third Starter, we shared the Mixed Selection of Sashimi which had tuna, salmon and seabass.
Cocochan SashimiMr. Sunny calls this dish “Flippin’ Fabulous!’ Why? Because he said the fish was so fresh he swears it was still flipping in his mouth.

You feel me, Sunny friends?

We were totally tormented over what to do next. Order Main courses or continue layering on more Starters? Any guesses?

We piled up our plates. Here’s my Smoked Salmon and Prawn Tempura Roll.
Cocochan Smoked Salmon & Prawn Tempura RollDo you think I stopped there? No chance.

And, here’s my ‘Dragon’ Eel and Avocado Ura Maki.
Cocochan Dragon Eel and Avacado Ura MakiI can’t even find words to tell you how exquisitely the flavours rolled around my mouth. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Mr. Sunny had the Tiger Prawn Tempura, Spicy Mayo.
Cocochan Tiger Prawn TempuraAND, the Chilli Squid Shichimi Salt, Sweet Chilli…
Cocochan Chilli SquidAND… the Crispy Aromatic Duck Rolls…
Cocochan Crispy Aromatic Duck Rolls

Mr. Sunny calls this experience a ‘multiple orgasm of flavor.’

He said it. Not me. 😉 I’m trying to keep this whole blog thing Rated G.

Mr. Sunny’s Final Thoughts on Cocochan:

– ‘This is a shame. I’m full and I haven’t even touched the surface of the menu.’
– ‘Stand by for Volume 2: I’ll be BACK!’
– ‘Boys, nearly every table was full of girls!’

Ummmm, I think there will be private conversation in the Sunny household about that last thought.

Anyhow.  I don’t have many shots of the inside of Cocochan to share, except this.Cocochan

The food was just too damn distracting.

But, Mr. Sunny’s ‘All you can eat Birthday Dinner’ was a huge success. Here’s my victory drink from the end of the night…CocochanLet me know how long you’re able to resist actually eating there. My money says it isn’t long.

What other restaurants can you recommend in St. Christopher’s Place? Marylebone? Where do you celebrate special occasions in London?


  1. I love finding great sushi places and this is one I haven’t tried! I shall have to take my husband for his birthday too – he’s never one to turn down an “all you can eat” meal particularly if I’m offering to pay! 😀

    1. Haha! It was only ‘all you can eat’ because I told him to just keep ordering until he was full. I don’t think they have a set price for non-stop food. We absolutely loved it! What places would you recommend?

      1. I love some of the small underground sushi places that look really questionable from the outside and then really impress inside – my top choices are Ichi Riki in Westminster and Zaibatsu in Greenwich!

  2. What an amazing amount of food and it all looks tasty what a birthday. Mr Sunny was a very spoilt man Lucy x

  3. Oh I wish I liked fish in every sense of the word, specifically raw fish because it looks just so amazing to eat! The colours are actually captivating, what tasty food.

  4. Sounds like the birthday dinner was a success! We’re fans of great creative Japanese/Asian food too. The mixed sashimi looks delish! We’ll keep this resto in mind next time we’re in London :-)/

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