
British Things to Do in London

Putting together a list of things to do in London for a visit, can quickly be overwhelming. This is especially true if it’s your first trip. Wouldn’t it be great to ask someone who lives there for help? Here is an even better one- what if you could ask a British person born in London for ideas?

My husband, Mr Sunny, and generations of his family were born and raised in London. As an American expat living in London, I rely on their advice often when planning things to do for myself or for creating Sunny in London blog content. They haven’t let me down yet!

In fact, recently my father-in-law suggested a London pub for our Best Hidden London Pubs video that even my husband didn’t know about. If you’ve read our pub crawls or any restaurant reviews, you know my husband is a self-proclaimed pub connoisseur.

Naturally, when I started thinking about creating a video that moved away from the ‘first time visiting London tourist’ planning persona, I consulted the Sunny-in-laws. You’ll have to judge how much time you have on your trip and what your priorities are when you review the possibilities they listed. It’s doubtful you could do everything suggested in one go. It would also depend on the time of year you are here too.

We tried to keep a bit of everyone in mind when creating it. There are sports activities and food suggestions. Our list is for both guys and girls too. One thing that isn’t mentioned in the video is renting a ‘Boris Bike.’ Poor coordination and the genuine lack of still not knowing which side of the road cars are coming from has prevented me from doing this. I’d love to know if you’ve done it though.

London Blogger Boris Bikes 2015

Let me know your thoughts on the video and what else you would like to learn about London. There is also a great community of Sunny News watchers on YouTube that have left their British Things to Do suggestions in the video comments too for you.

The Sunny News YouTube channel, shares even more advice for things to do and what you’ll need to know about London. This includes tips for riding the Undergroundpub advice, an afternoon tea etiquette guide, a shopping guide and cultural differences between the UK and USA. The blog also has a Guide for Americans Visiting London which is a collection of the top experiences I recommend. You’ll definitely want to bookmark it and visit the Pinterest boards created to help trip planning too.



  1. Love your suggestions. I personally love the London Eye- especially at night. I was wondering if you recommend the Duck Boat tour.

    1. Hi Deborah. Thank you for reading. I was invited to do the Duck Tour recently but was not able to, so I don’t have any personal experience with it. It does look fun though 🙂

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