
British vs American Television Differences

When comparing British vs American television differences, you might jump to some standard stereotypes. After living as an American in London married to a British man for five years, I have enjoyed watching British television and know that I still have much to learn.

I make two to three trips back to Florida a year. It’s funny but I had never thought to write about the differences in television topic until recently.

You must understand though too that some of the differences are non-debatable facts. Other points are my observations based on my experience, and yours can certainly be different.

In the video below, I identify the most popular British vs American television differences. It’s part of my hugely popular UK vs USA series on the Sunny News YouTube channel. Discussions and feedback in the video comments can be quite lively! You’ll find in the comments that people have added many other observations in addition to what I have noticed.

And as always, I extend the invitation to you to add your own thoughts and questions too.

UK vs US: See More!

The Sunny News YouTube channel has a playlist full of videos comparing life in the UK vs USA. Some of the topics include differences on: grocery store and food shopping, schools, cultural exchanges, and choosing a hotel in London. The most popular video is below. And it sure has some interesting comments!


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