
What are the New 7 World Wonders for 2019?

What if you could win a contest that sent you on 7 different trips around the world? How would you decide what trips to put on your list? Would you include trips to see World Wonders? Cities you’ve already visited?

What would be your 7 World Wonders?


There have been many versions of the 7 World Wonders list. Perhaps the first classic list (according to Wikipedia) was:

  • Colossus of Rhodes
  • Great Pyramid of Giza
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  • Temple of Artemis
As time went on, Stonehenge surfaced on many versions of the Seven Wonders of the World list. And judging from the the Sunny blog readers, YouTube viewer comments, emails and social media messages, it’s one of the most popular places people want to see when they make an extended trip to London.
I regularly get asked if I think it’s possible for visitors to get to Stonehenge when they are visiting London. The allure of it just doesn’t resonate with me. But, that’s because I have seen it. Three times.

Win Your 7 World Wonders:

When Exodus Travels created a contest giving a winner an opportunity to visit his/her 7 places, it kicked the creative door wide open for me and you. Where would you go?

My 7 World Wonders:

1. The Grand Canyon

One of my memorable travel moments in my life was when I had the front seat of a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon as a teenager. The pilot had music from 2001: A Space Odyssey playing on our headphones. The crescendo in the opening of the song hit the moment the ground cut off beneath us and the flight crossed over a crevice in the canyon. It was genius live rhythmic editing and possibly ignited the thrill I have for travel.

I will savour that one hour ride with my family forever. If you can handle a helicopter ride, you would love this travel adventure too.

2. Cornwall

While not maybe as ‘Grand’, Cornwall comes next on my list. Mr Sunny and I visited in the Spring and I can say- believe in its beauty that you see on Instagram!

I choose it for my new list of the 7 World Wonders because I never dreamed water that clear and blue could exist in England. For goodness sakes have you seen the Thames?!

From Tintagle Castle to St Ives, my one word for Cornwall is, majestic!


3. Monaco- Monte Carlo

In October I finally made it to the one place I had wanted to visit my entire adult life, Monaco. It wasn’t actually the allure of the beautiful azure water that the south of France is famous for that puts Monaco on my 7 World Wonders list. It’s quite the opposite and a bit cheeky really.

It’s the life of luxury that I wanted to see. A playground for the ultra rich, Monaco lived up to every fantasy I had and then some. I’ve always wondered what a day in the life of a billionaire might be like. In Monaco you are surrounded by wealth. Yachts seem to stretch for miles in the harbour and the sun just shimmers off the sea like it is made of diamonds. A mix of man-made and natural wonders- it is easy to see why it is a paradise for the wealthy.



4. Malta

It is no longer a ‘wonder’ for me why people go to Malta for diving. Again, aqua water and sun dominate the views in Malta. It is a destination that offers ancient ruins, Hollywood history, water adventures and delicious food.


5. Lake District

I guarantee if you buy a UK calendar for 2019 there will be at least one or two shots of the Lake District. Mr Sunny and I hope to travel there in May 2019, because I have never been there. The landscape seems stunning and serene, like an English Elysian fields. If you have been there, I would love if you could leave suggestions of things to do, places to eat and where to stay in the comments.

6. Jurassic Coast

This World Heritage Site on the English Channel has to be on the World Wonders List. Who could argue with 185 million years of geological history?

7.  Amalfi Coast

Finally I include Italy’s Amalfi Coast. As a foodie traveller from Florida with Italian heritage, it would just be rude not to 😉.

What Would You Choose?

Having spent quite a bit of time in Hawaii and living near Niagara Falls, they don’t make my list due to familiarity. And I think Egyptian pyramids are fascinating but since I am extremely claustrophobic it will never happen. Would you put them on your list? Leave your list ideas in the comments below.

You can visit the My 7 World Wonders page on Exodus Travels for your list inspiration. But, I would visit to enter the competition to travel to them, if I were you!


* This blog article is a paid collaboration with Exodus Travels. All ideas are honest and my own. Trust me- I wish I could enter this competition!