Primrose Hill London View

Primrose Hill: Serenity and Celebrities?

If you’re looking for an easy, relaxing activity on a Sunny in London day, Primrose Hill is a gorgeous place to be. And, you never know, you might just spot Jude Law or Jamie Oliver!

If you aren’t familiar with the neighborhood, it’s a quick walk from the Chalk Farm tube station and is just opposite the London Zoo and Regent’s Park.

It’s a fairly quiet, upscale section of London, which is why it attracts many celebrity residents. The houses are absolutely charming.

Primrose Hill London houses

Once you leave the tube station, navigate across the canal to Regent’s Park Road, which is the “busiest” area.

Primrose Hill London Regent's Park Road
Regent’s Park Road

If you keep your eyes peeled, you might even spot Jude or Jamie at a pub, as they both have houses around the corner. The street is lined with independent stores and cafes, which may offer sweets outside.

Primrose Hill London Shepherd Foods
Shepherd Foods, sells many American products inside

It’s a quick walk south to the intersection of Regent’s Park Road and Primrose Hill Road.

Primrose Hill Road NW3

At that point, it’s well worth a few extra minutes (and a great calorie burner!) to venture up the hill. The views of London are breathtaking!

Primrose Hill London

I was certainly glad I left my heels at home the day I trekked to the peak. And I was very envious of all the runners heading up the hill at a much faster pace than me.

Once I made it to the top of what felt like Mount Olympus, the view of London town’s horizon created a serenity that is tough to find in the hustle and bustle of the Capital.

Primrose Hill London View

I grabbed as many pictures as possible with my Cyber Shot DSC-RX100 digital camera and regretted that Mr. Sunny wasn’t there with his super, duper zoom lens. (Make sure you bring one if you go!) I took note of the numerous couples who had packed a picnic lunch and were enjoying it on the grass, and I’ve put that on my “Activity to Do List” for the future.

Finally, I peeled myself away and headed down the hill.

Primrose Hill London View

It seemed like an excellent time for a little lunch and liquid sunshine.

Queens Pub Primrose Hill

Walking in to The Queens Pub Primrose Hill, located at 49 Regent’s Park Road (where it intersects with Primrose Hill Road) was the next logical step for my sunny, carefree afternoon.

It’s a fabulous place to relax, eat and drink.

Queens Pub Primrose Hill (5) And, I think Virgina Woolf was 100% right here…

Queens Pub Primrose Hill

To keep with my healthy vibe from the hike up and down Primrose Hill, I decided to stay green and ordered the quinoa, feta, broccoli, pomegranate salad with a large Rioja, of course. 😉

Queens Pub Primrose Hill

Queens Pub Primrose Hill

It was hard to peel myself away from such a tranquil location.

Queens Pub Primrose Hill

But I strolled through a few side streets and headed on my way.

While I kept my eyes peeled for Mr. Law and Mr. Oliver throughout the afternoon, I didn’t spot any A-listers, this time. However, perhaps I can take my celebrity stalking to another level by becoming a permanent resident? I think I could get a great deal on a property that I spotted on this side street in Primrose Hill…

Sunny Mews Primrose Hill London

Don’t you agree? 😉

DISCLAIMER: No celebrities were actually stalked in the research of this post,nor will they be for future posts.

So, Sunny friends, have you had the chance to climb Primrose Hill and enjoy this great area? What would you suggest for a lovely sunny day?

Primrose Hill Celebrities


    1. It was a fun day, even though I didn’t see any big Hollywood types. I was really hoping to spot Mila Kunis, but I think she only lived there temporarily. I just got the camera at the beginning of the year and love it! I make my husband drag around the big one. Your pictures are always terrific, so it’s exciting to hear we have the same one. I still need a lot of practice with it.

  1. I have never been to Primrose Hill, I am saving it for a sunny day. I really want to try out Primrose Bakery while I am there. My friend was in that area and spotted Ned Stark from Game of Thrones!

    1. I loved your recent expat post! I’m not sure if my comment went through, but I tried to write one. I did stop by the bakery, but I didn’t go in. The exterior pictures weren’t too exciting, so I didn’t include them. That’s awesome your friend say a celebrity. Maybe I’ll have better luck next time… 🙂

  2. The first year I moved to London I spent my New Years Eve up on Primrose Hill and I’d definitely recommend it, lots of people go and there’s a great atmosphere – people were setting off paper lanterns and the view of the fireworks in the distance was fantastic x

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