
#ThreeGallery a Samsung Galaxy s9+ Test

How would you react if you received an email asking if you would like to test the Samsung Galaxy s9, one of the hottest mobile phones on the market right now?

‘Yes, pleeeeeease” and send.

The concept for the #ThreeGallery and #GoRoam project was to work in collaboration with Three and use either the Samsung Galaxy s9 or Samsung Galaxy s9+ to create amazing mobile pictures. It is set to conclude with one or more photographs from each participant being displayed at the Herrick Gallery in Mayfair on 1 and 2 August 2018.


As a blogger, you can generally get invited to some cool events and be a part of really exciting campaigns. This one definitely ranks in the highlights of my year. The biggest reason is because I have been debating between the Samsung Galaxy s9+ and the iPhone X for months. I have an iPhone that is 3 years old and have a ‘pay as you go month to month contract’ with a provider, so it’s not that I can’t make the switch any time.

I regularly have Instagram envy over pictures that people I know have a Samsung Galaxy s9. The hesitation to make the switch is fear of being able to adjust to a new operating system on a mobile device after nearly a decade with an iPhone. But that Samsung Galaxy s9 camera though!

Samsung Galaxy s9+

I shrieked like a child in a candy shop when I opened the package and saw that I received the s9+.

The campaign offered us the chance to go on Photo Walks around London based on different aspects of mobile photography. Guides for the walks were some of London’s top Instagram account holders, so the challenge was well-coordinated.

I really struggled on the first Photo Walk because I had no experience with an Android mobile phone. It was clear the camera capabilities were intense, but I couldn’t fully exhaust them at the time because I was also learning the operating system and wasn’t fast enough. However, over the few weeks I had to experiment with the device, I became better at utilising some of what it offered.

Samsung Galaxy s9+ vs Canon 80D

Let’s play a quick game. In June I upgraded my DSLR kit to include a Canon 80D. Below I will show you a few pictures that I took during the time I attended blog events with both the Samsung s9+ and my DSLR. Try to guess which ones were taken with the Samsung Galaxy s9+ and which ones were on the DSLR. To be fair, they are unedited, except for resizing them for my blog dimensions and for web publication. There are no filters, masks, exposure adjustments, etc.







Samsung Galaxy s9+ Results

The first 5 photographs were all taken with Samsung Galaxy s9+. Also, the feature photo at the top of this blog post was taken with the mobile phone.

As you can see, I write food and drink reviews often in London. The Samsung mobile phone has a ‘Food’ photography setting. Heaven, I tell ya!

I loved this camera on the mobile phone so much, I literally spent a day attending events and meetings in London with a backpack full of my DSLR camera kit (lenses, microphones, filters) that I never opened. It was just too easy to use the Samsung Galaxy s9+ to take the photos that I wanted.

The operating system wasn’t as easy for me to adjust to as my personal Facebook friends claim it is. Whenever they have made the switch to the Samsung, they quickly declare they are never going back to an iPhone. I struggled more than I anticipated with how to find and move things around, but that camera though!

The clarity, image saturation, and manual adjustment capabilities are astounding.

So, Sunny friends, what has been your mobile phone camera experience? Those of you who blog, have you hit the point where you can go completely mobile?

If you would like to see my final submission (or perhaps more, since I sent 6 pictures for Traverse Events to choose from) you can visit the Herrick Gallery in Mayfair on 1 and 2 August. I can’t wait to see all the other bloggers’ photos who participated in the campaign and to hear about their adventures with the Samsung Galaxy s9 and Three. To search what I produced and what the other bloggers published, use the hashtags #ThreeGallery and #GoRoam on social media. You are sure to be in for a real treat!