Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast

Breakfast at Cafe Rouge Southgate

Not living in Central London means Mr Sunny and I spend a lot of time during the week travelling. On weekends it’s nice to stay home and not deal with long rides. We love our north London neighbourhood. When the weather is great, we enjoy spending time around the area.

When Cafe Rouge contacted us to try their summer breakfast menu, we were really excited because there is one located relatively close to us. On a beautiful, sunny day we walked to our local Cafe Rouge for a Sunday breakfast in Southgate.

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast

We’ve been to Cafe Rouge in Highgate, the City of London, and Canary Wharf and really love their lunch and dinner menus. Mr. Sunny loves escargot and mussels. Me- not so much. Their Nicoise salad is my standard selection.

We found the Cafe Rouge in Southgate quite charming and the people we met are really lovely too. Apparently, they’ve had some patrons who have visited on a weekly basis for the seventeen years they have been open. That’s loyal!

Mr Sunny ordered the Rouge Breakfast and I opted for Buttermilk Pancakes with bacon, banana and maple syrup.

Cafe Rouge Southgate Rouge Breakfast

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast Buttermilk Pancakes

I was surprised to see a French restaurant serve pancakes they were so similar to American pancakes. I had expected something like a crepe.

We also had Rouge Mimosas and enjoyed the wine cocktail. This is probably an odd choice to pair with breakfast, but we really wanted to try it.

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast Mimosas

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast

The highlight of our meal actually was the croissants we had at the end. I had the pain au chocolat croissant. I liked that it wasn’t super flaky. Rather, it had a wonderful soft texture that didn’t feel like shards of crumb shrapnel disintegrating in my mouth. The taste of the bread and pops of chocolate were perfect together.

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast croissants

Mr Sunny and I agree that this restaurant is best for lunch and dinner and look forward to going to the Cafe Rouge Southgate with his parents some time in the near future. It’s great to know they have so many regular customers. It’s easy to see why they’re already letting everyone know what’s available for the holidays.

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast Christmas

Cafe Rouge Southgate Breakfast

Our breakfast was complimentary for the purpose of a review. This does not affect the opinion of my experience.