Confessions of a Blogger

3 Confessions of a Blogger

You think being a lifestyle blogger is always glamorous? Yes, it’s fun and gives you truly great opportunities. But there’s a lot that goes on behind the screen that you might not realize.

Confessions of a Blogger

Behold….. 3 Confessions of a Blogger…

Confessions of a Blogger

Confession of a Blogger #1: Fashion Faux Pas?

Before leaving for the day, I have to think about if I’ll be photographed for a story. Some days I have back to back meetings and events, so one outfit will have to due for both.

And sometimes, if I’m seeing the same group of people, I have to remember what I wore the previous time and try not to repeat it. For example, at the #LDNBloggersTea in February at the Royal Horsguards Hotel, I wore this dress…Confessions of a BloggerSo, I had to be sure at the Ampersand Hotel Science Tea with the same girls, I wore something different…Confessions of a BloggerSo, now that I have another #LDNBloggersTea scheduled for May 17th, there will be a total wardrobe crisis that morning. 😉

However, thanks to Kate Middleton making the recycled outfit chic, I can probably sweat less about wearing clothes a few times ‘on camera.’

Confessions of a Blogger #2- Money Shots

I can’t enjoy a meal like a normal person anymore. From the second I walk in to a food establishment, the flash bulbs start. Even worse, everyone with me suffers from my ‘blogging’ annoyances. This is the life of a blogger.

Mr. Sunny knows that the days of ordering what we wants are over. You can only have so many shots of these…Confessions of a Blogger

And, even though the Caprese Salad is colourful, my days are limited of ordering this personal fav too.Confessions of a BloggerWe now choose menu options based on their ‘photogenic’ ranking. And we have to eat different items to showcase a restaurant’s options. In fact, there was great debate when we ordered our roasts at No 11 Pimlico Road. We both wanted the beef! You’ll have to read that post to see who ‘won.’No 11 Pimlico Road Review No 11 Pimlico Road Review

When the food hits the table, everything must be carefully staged and photographed. And sometimes, it means we’re eating cold food.

But who cares if it gets me the money shot, right? 😉

Confessions of a Blogger #3: Psuedo Pro

Since starting a blog, I’ve become much more critical of my pictures. The ‘touristy’ stuff has to go. For example, holding a handbag or coat is now a ‘No No.’ I’m not really happy that my blog’s Bio shot shows my handbag over my shoulder.

However, I love the picture because it’s candid and fits the ‘Sunny in London’ brand.Confessions of a Blogger

And, I wish that picture above from the Mr. Sunny in London Pub Crawl- ‘Avoiding Selfridges’ didn’t have my handbag and coat in the background. But as a lifestyle blogger, I just have to say, ‘Hey. That’s life!’

So, Sunny friends, any of you who blog suffer from these problems? What are your ‘confessions’?

DISCLAIMER: These confessions do not represent actual hardships in my life. The post is for entertainment value.


  1. I read this blog post whole in a restaurant with friends don’t worry that have just popped to the loo. This made me laugh it was as though someone had creeped in my head and read my confessions. I always make sure no food is touched until it is photographed. It drives my friends and family nuts. The bloggers meet up in london sounds fun with afternoon tea. Amongst friends who don’t mind the flash manic photographic behaviour Lucy x

  2. I totally agree with these! I didn’t realize it really took a lot of documenting. I find the lifestyle rather appealing still because it gets you to try new things. Nice job! 🙂


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