
Why Covent Garden Underground Should Bloomin’ Win

Have you noticed all the tubs and flower planters in front of Covent Garden Underground Station this summer?

I bet you had no idea they are part of a contest.

That’s right, Sunny friends. Each year there is a contest among London Underground stations and depots called ‘Underground in Bloom.’

It’s not something for which you and I can vote. However, it’s certainly worth your attention if you’re in the area. This is because the Covent Garden Underground Station has a bloomin’ fantastic, nostalgic display this year.
covent-garden-underground-station-flowersThe flowers and other items in front of the Covent Garden Underground station are carefully chosen and representative of the neighbourhood’s history. Tubs and planters placed outside the station represent the key areas within Covent Garden.
covent-garden-underground-station-flowersThe competition started in the middle of June and will last until the second week of August. However, not every station has the space to participate.

The Covent Garden Underground station is able to participate in the competition this year because they’re currently exit only, which gives them more space. In the future, they might not be able to have such a large showing in the contest.
covent-garden-underground-station-flowersThe station representatives I spoke to on the day I visited were extremely informative and gave me a full tour, while being sure to address all the needs of tourists who needed directions travelling through the station.

They explained that nearly all the items you see are donations from key sponsors. In the picture below, you’ll see a half barrel from the Porterhouse. This was exciting for me because they were featured on the blog in the Covent Garden Pub Crawl and Street Performers , as well as the YouTube video of Places to Eat Outside in Covent Garden.

covent-garden-underground-station-flowersThe Royal Opera House and Stanfords also are sponsors. Stanfords is the oldest map and travel company in Europe. They gave these two boxes in the picture above.

covent-garden-underground-station-flowersAlso supporting the station is the Transport London Museum and Capezio, which donated the ballet shoes on the display board in the picture below.
covent-garden-underground-station-flowersSunny friends, I know you’re thinking right now, ‘What’s going on with that Stephen King quotation?’

Let me tell you.

This is the reason I visited the Covent Garden Underground station. I didn’t just want to promote my favourite neighbourhood in the world again. I also wanted you to know how fun the people are connected to the station.


Nearly every day a thoughtful quotation is posted outside the station. This tradition has been happening for several years. In fact, it’s usually hand-written in calligraphy to make it more attractive. I actually had the honour of meeting the gentleman who does it and can say he’s simply remarkable!

Seeing the words of wisdom each day isn’t just limited to those travelling through the station. Images of the quotations are uploaded to both a Twitter and Instagram account. Both of which are quite fun to follow.

covent-garden-underground-station-flowersSunny friends, please make an effort to stop by the Covent Garden Underground Station personally or follow this entertaining, and unofficial Twitter account @CoventGdnTube.

Also, they want me to remind you that at the station you can pick up a copy of In and Around Covent Garden magazine, which informs you of all the recent restaurant openings, theatre activities and other fun festivities in this special area of London.


Sunny friends in London, is your local station participating? Can you tweet me pictures of what they’re doing so we can share the bloomin’ fun?

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