Inamo Restaurant Review London

Why Mr. Sunny and I battled at Inamo Restaurant!

When Mr. Sunny and I headed to Inamo Restaurant recently, we weren’t too sure what the experience would involve. He had thoroughly reviewed the menu and was very excited. I had read the description of the concept restaurant and was curious.

The website explains it as an Oriental fusion restaurant and bar where ‘Diners place orders from an illustrated food and drinks menu projected on to their table service.’ Hmmmm.

From the outside, Inamo Restaurant on 134-136 Wardour Street, Soho, W1F 8ZP isn’t very mysterious.

Inamo Restaurant Review LondonOnce we stepped inside, we realised this experience would virtually be like no other.
Inamo Restaurant Review LondonOur table offered an interactive dining experience. We were given a quick explanation of the process to order, and then we were left to enjoy the dinner. As men usually do, Mr. Sunny immediately figured out how the virtual table worked and proudly declared, ‘I’m pretty sure I just ordered a beer.’ Inamo Restaurant Review London

BAM! Less than 30 seconds later, a server appeared with Mr. Sunny’s beer.

‘Oh, this is going to be my new favourite place!’ he exclaimed.

After a few minutes, I learned how to use the table as a menu and figured out how to order a glass of wine.Inamo Restaurant Review London

Inamo Restaurant Review London

Inamo Restaurant Review LondonMeet my Rioja!

Given Mr. Sunny had already investigated Inamo Restaurant’s menu, he started to occupy himself with the numerous games and additional activities available on our virtual table. There is a merchandise section, extras, and Chef Cam!
Inamo Restaurant Review London Chef CamMeantime, I photographed and completed the ordering process for all of our food.

It was suggested that we pick two small food items and one large per person. Because Mr. Sunny and I share many of the same preferences for Asian fusion, we indulged in everything together.

Our small food choices were the Baby Crispy Prawns, Seared Tuna Sashimi, Seared Salmon Maki, Chicken Satay and Tuna Maki.

Inamo Restaurant London Baby Crisy Prawns

Inamo Restaurant London Seared Tuna Sashimi

Inamo Restaurant London Seared Salmon Maki

Inamo Restaurant London Chicken SatayInamo Restaurant London Tuna MakiEach one was fabulous. I have to admit the prawns just exploded and melted in my mouth. They were like butter bombs! I loved them!

Based on the super fast service, we decided we would wait until we finished the small food choices before ordering the large ones, so as not to over order. Plus, Mr. Sunny couldn’t wait to challenge me in a game of Battleship!
Inamo Restaurant Review LondonWe set our ships and the game began.

Needless to say, he won and I lost.
Inamo Restaurant Review LondonDude. Not cool. I’m not happy about this. Isn’t there some kind of rule somewhere that states if you’re someone’s guest at dinner, you’re not supposed to beat him/her at any activities during that time? I’m sure a virtual etiquette book exists somewhere. Doesn’t it?

As I sulked in my chair, Mr. Sunny ordered our large food choices. We picked the Nigiri Set and Baby Malayan Chicken.Inamo Restaurant London Nigiri Set

Inamo Restaurant London Nigiri SetInamo Restaurant London Baby Malayan ChickenInamo Restaurant London Baby Malayan ChickenAgain, the food was amazing! However, I think my second glass of wine influenced my decision to endure playing another game. I don’t even know what this one was called. I lost again, quickly.
Inamo Restaurant Review LondonClearly, it was the booze impairing my virtual skills. Mr. Sunny may or may not have done a victory dance. I wasn’t paying attention. I was too distracted by my delicious dinner.

The food and speedy service at Inamo Restaurant make it well worth a visit. Despite my sarcasm above, I also loved the virtual table and games. While some people may find this type of ordering process impersonal, I didn’t. It made things fast and easy. There were numerous waitstaff available to answer any questions if we had them.

I thought it was super cool that when I was considering an option, an image of it was projected on to my plate. Fancy!Inamo Restaurant Review LondonInamo Restaurant isn’t intimate, but who cares! It’s fun and interactive. We truly had a great time. I would suggest Inamo Restaurant to many people for many different occasions. It’s definitely top on my list for people going on blind dates.

Mr. Sunny ended the night with this final thought, ‘With the fast beer, great food and table games, I could stay here all night!’

We did stop in the basement level for one more quick drink and enjoyed that area as well.Inamo Restaurant Review London

Inamo Restaurant Review LondonOur meal was complimentary for the purpose of a review. However, this does not influence our opinion of Inamo Restaurant. I had a fabulous meal and experience. But, I am still honestly upset about my husband beating me at Battleship and will continue to be a sore loser. 😉

What other restaurants with unique dining experiences have you enjoyed, Sunny friends?


  1. Hehe, this reminds me so much of how I would be – I never really have a competitive side – until I start playing games with my husband and then I turn into such a sore loser (which is inevitable seeing as he always wins!!) He first mentioned this place to me shortly after we met, saying how cool it was that it was “interactive” – typical man obsessed with his gadgets!! 😀 I’ll have to try this place out!

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