The Print House Kitchen and Bar

How You Can Get Stuck at the Print House

Nearly everything during our meal at the Print House Bar and Kitchen melted in our mouths. Except one, gooey, delicious delicacy. And I bet you’re wondering just what it was, Sunny friends! Print House Bar and Kitchen Review

As part of our recent tour of Stratford, Mr. Sunny and I spent a few hours eating at a new restaurant in London that truly is worth making the trip to the area. The venue made a strong impression on us, even before we arrived.

When we stopped to ask someone for directions, we were told to just look for a structure that resembled the shape of the Olympic torch. I was definitely skeptical about that. However, this is what we found…
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

Sure enough, when we saw the distinctive Strand East Tower across a bridge, we knew we were headed to the right place.

Located on the bank of the Three Mills Wall river in Stratford, the building is very historic. It was previously a printing warehouse. Some designs that served as logos for the building are still featured on the exterior. It’s said that this dog originated as a pencil drawing by a printer.
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

We loved the Print House Bar and Kitchen’s large exterior, and the interior was even more spacious. Having space for yourself is a bit of a battle in London, especially when dining. So, this restaurant’s modern, open style of the bar and dining areas is a real treat.Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

Having only opened a few months ago, the Print House features simple, but refined British food. Mr. Sunny and I ordered our adult beverages and made our menu selections.
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

Mr. Sunny’s enjoyed his Starter, the Ham Hock Terrine, Scotch Egg, Beef Brisket and House Pickles. I had originally wanted it, but conceded to Mr. Sunny. I was thankful I did when it arrived. The Scotch egg had black pudding in it. That’s something I haven’t tried yet.
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London Ham

When my Starter hit the table, I was elated! What a beautiful presentation!Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London Salmon

I loved my Smoked Salmon, Horseradish Creme Fraiche, Mixed Leaves and Apple. The seafood paired delicately with the tart slivers of green apple.

We learned that the Print House attracts a young professional crowd and gets quite busy in the evenings. Also, since their Sunday Roasts are spectacular, that’s generally their busiest day. Because it was Saturday and we couldn’t order from that menu, I naturally gravitated toward a burger.
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London SalmonThat’s the Scotch Angus Beef Burger (180g) in a Brioche Bun, Tomato, Date Jam, Pickles, House Chips and Monterey. The bun was like a big, buttery pillow surrounding the beef. It melted like candy floss (cotton candy for my US readers) around the meat.

But that wasn’t the only thing melting during our meal. Mr. Sunny’s Main course topped my food again! He dined on the Lamb Shank in Citrus and Thyme with Creamy Colcannon.Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London Lamb Shank

Not only was it photogenic and scrumptious, but also the lamb melted off the bone. I made Mr. Sunny stop eating so I could grab this shot of the bare lamb bone to share with you.
Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London Lamb Shank

Between the brioche bun and the teflon lamb bone, our lunch was sliding right down our stomachs. Until this snuck on to the table…
Print House Sticky Toffee PuddingI’m a real sucker for Sticky Toffee Pudding. This one came with an airy cloud of vanilla marscapone. It had trouble written all over it.

This danger dessert trapped me like a spider’s web. My fork was lassoed to my hand! I couldn’t stop scooping big bites in my mouth. It’s the first time I’ve had sticky toffee pudding that wasn’t so sweet it stopped me after just a few bites.


Print House Bar and Kitchen has really fabulous food, but the Sticky Toffee Pudding with Vanilla Marscapone Cream is the true trophy. If you try it- it will trap you too!

Trying to ignore our food coma, we gazed out the window for a few more minutes.Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

We just weren’t quite ready to leave. Thank goodness the restaurant also has a huge terrace. Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

I hear it gets pretty lively with jazz bands and other activities at night and on weekends. Table tennis anyone?Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

And, you won’t believe what this Florida girl who is fully focused on finding sun and fun in London found next…Print House Bar & Kitchen Stratford London

That’s right, Sunny friends. Print House Bar and Kitchen also has a BEACH!

Our meal was complimentary for the purpose of a review. This did not influence our opinion of the dining experience. The delicious food did, however, influence my ability to get out of this beach chair.


  1. I love the interior of this restaurant I cannot believe the size of the ham hock starter it is huge. The shank looks lovely, perfect as it gets colder. Cake and then relaxation outside perfect Lucy x

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