Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

The Sexiest London Food Tour for #FoodPorn Fans

What makes this London Food Tour the sexiest in all of food land, Sunny friends? Everything. It beautifully pairs food and London’s most intimate neighborhood, making it the ultimate #foodporn experience.

Now before you get your panties in a twist, let me remind you this blog isn’t for kids but it is pretty PG. Well, except for the frequent champagne, wine and beer mentions.

Two years ago I took the Eating London Food Tour, which hits the highlights of East London cuisine. When I heard they started a sister tour in Soho, I couldn’t wait to wrap my tongue around it.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Soho, London Food Tour: Foreplay

Having lived in the Covent Garden/Bloomsbury area previously, Soho is a nearby neighborhood that has good and bad traits. Yes, it’s where you find most of London’s theatres and a high concentration of restaurants. However, it also has a very dark, dodgy side which includes sex shops and scandalous stores.

The first stop on this London Food Tour is a Mexican restaurant that isn’t for the faint of heart. I first visited La Bodega Negra two years ago when it opened. It was a wild, tequila filled day that bled in to early evening, followed by a painful morning.

On the Twilight Soho Food Tour you have the chance to try a succulent frozen margarita and several tacos. London isn’t known for great Mexican cuisine, but if you give La Bodega Negra a shot, you won’t be disappointed. (Just don’t make them tequila shots dropped in champagne filled glasses. Trust me!) These are a few phallic served tacos for you voyeurs….

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

For those of you who aren’t aware of the restaurant’s cheeky back, your tour guide will show you the secret faux ‘sex shop’ entrance on the other side of the building.

Soho, London Food Tour: Main Course

As you move through the streets of Soho, your tour guide will point out the highlights of area’s history which involves dark features too. Aside from culinary delights, there is a naughty side which doesn’t showcase London’s finest. In fact, as my tour group stood hearing the secrets of Soho Square, a man with bright red lipstick and a St. Nick hat decided to crash our tour. This hardly secret Santa clearly had taken on one too many afternoon delights. Our tour guide Hannah handled the situation with grace, humor and quick redirection of our group.

There was no debate that after this rendevous, we were all ready for a stiff drink.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

While visiting the London Gin Club on the tour, you will receive not only a gin and tonic but also a gin-infused beef pie. The venue is steeped in rich history and they make their own gin.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Moving along, you will hit Enrique Tomas, a family-run business which began as a huge success in Spain. The walls are covered in curing, hanging meat. Here you will try several selections of Jamon and a gorgeous, gorgeous glass of Spanish red wine.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food TourIn fact, I made sure to find out that it comes from Spain’s Huesca region. Through your tasting, you will learn quickly about the curing process and have Manchego cheese to compliment your jamon.

My favourite stop on the tour is next- Pix Bar. I’ve never seen or heard of it and found this spot incredibly sexy. This is mostly because it’s dark and full of tall temptations. Mr. Sunny and I will be booking a table here soon, and I will recommend it to anyone seeking a sultry hideaway for supper.

A ‘pincho’ is Spanish for thorn/spike. The ‘pinxtos’ is Northern Spain’s response to tapas. They’re typically eaten in bars.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Each of the ‘pixy’ sticks I chose had a tongue tickling treat at the end. It’s the first thing I told Mr. Sunny about when I teased him about my food tour that night.

Soho, London Food Tour: The Climax

‘Smoke if you got ’em’ they say. The next stop on the Twilight Soho Food Tour is Opium. Located technically in Chinatown, Opium is an Oriental opium den. It’s not easy to find and there’s a tough climb of several flights of stairs to make it, but if you like delicious dim sum and Chinese tea, don’t miss this dark haven.

I don’t have any pictures for this experience. Some things just have to be left to your fantasies. Our group had the opportunity to have white peony tea and several varieties of dim sum. We also sipped on Lapsang souchong, a tea made by smoke-drying lapsang leaves over pinewood fires. It’s truly an acquired taste. In all honesty, I felt like I had just licked someone’s fireplace. No pun intended.

Finally, the tour hits the sweet spot with a toast at Said Chocolate. Imported from Rome, this chocolate cavern offers tour guests a tiramisu, which translates to ‘pick me up’ in Italian. The favourite dessert of both Mr. Sunny and me- it’s exactly what I needed after a night of engaging in a wild night of touring #foodporn in Soho.

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

Sexy Soho London Food Tour Review Eating London Tours, Twilight Soho Food Tour

As a final farewell, each tour guest gets a flavoured hot chocolate. I chose hazelnut and can best summarize it with another tour guest’s quote, ‘If I didn’t think it would end up on a social network, I’d scrape my tongue around this cup to get every last drop.’

Amen, sista!

Soho, London Food Tour: When Harry Met Sally

If this review and all its innuendos made you uncomfortable, the Twilight Soho Food Tour might not be for you. Two other guests on this tour who had experienced both tours like me indicated that they preferred the East London tour over Soho. I disagreed. However, depending on who asked, I would recommend them accordingly. They tours are different, so I would consider people’s preferences.

Both tours highlight culinary information of the food and drink items served, and the tour guides give tons of historic and cultural information through enthusiastic, personable presentations. However, you do have an alcoholic beverage on nearly every stop on the Twilight Soho Food Tour. You also pass several adult themed venues in the Soho area in the evening. While it’s also not the norm to be approached by random men wearing lipstick at 5pm in London, it’s not that shocking that it happened on our tour while we stood in Soho Square.

I had an explosively fun evening with Eating London Tours because of Hannah the tour guide, the expertly picked places and the fantastic people who were part of our eight person group. This tour does feature adult content, but rest assured, it is presented and conducted very, very tastefully.

It’s not your mother’s walking tour. 😉