Tentazioni Restaurant London Bermondsey

Tentazioni Restaurant scores a 10 out of 10!

Of course this Italian girl was excited about getting an invitation to Tentazioni’s Cocktail and Tasting Menu Party! Why? Because it’s recognised as one of London’s leading Italian restaurants and has received fabulous reviews both in the UK and abroad. It’s also in a unique location. Bermondsey.

Tentazioni Restaurant London BermondseyI know every area of London has restaurants, but fine dining venues aren’t as easy to find out of the Central loop. In fact, here’s a little confession for ya’ Sunny friends… I can count on two hands how many times I’ve been South of the river. Only once was for a food experience.

Tentazioni not only caught my attention for this reason but also because this month it’s celebrating its 17th anniversary! Wow!

Let’s take a look inside and see just a bit of what makes it so special.Tentazioni Restaurant London Bermondsey

Its romantic first floor features changing art on the walls. In fact, Tentazioni hosts seasonal Art Exhibitions to promote young artists’ works. They also have live music events involving either Opera or Jazz.Tentazioni Restaurant London Bermondsey

Tentazioni Restaurant London BermondseyTentazioni Restaurant London BermondseyTentazioni Restaurant London BermondseySo, what’s featured on the menu, you ask? Here’s the food I had a chance to taste…

“Rubik” Cubi di Pesce Spada con Semi di Papavero su Caponatina di Melanzane
e Coulis di Peperone Rosso
(Swordfish Cubes with Poppy Seeds, Aubergines Ratatouille and Red Pepper

Carpaccio di Manzo con Indivia Belga Servito con Gelato al Foie Gras e
Fichi Freschi
(Beef Fillet Carpaccio with White Chicory Served with Foie Gras Ice cream and Juicy. Fresh Figs)

Ravioli di Zucca Arrostita con Amaretti e Mostarda di Frutta
Serviti al Burro e Salvia
(Roasted King Pumpkin Ravioli with Amaretti Biscuits and Fruit Mustard Served with Butter and Sage Sauce)

Tentazioni Restaurant London BermondseyMy favourite of those three absolutely is the carpaccio. You have no idea how explosive it is to have a tiny scoop of ice cream pop in your mouth against the thinly sliced beef. Bravo to Head Chef Alberto Modena and his admirable sense of adventure! I can imagine a range Bella Cosa Restaurant in London produce high-quality food similar to this.

A little pile of pasta hit me next. I loved how it was presented in different dimensions on tasting plates.Tentazioni Restaurant London Bermondsey

Tagliatelle Fresche all’Uovo “Tentazioni” con Salsa al Tartufo Nero
(Fresh Eggs Tagliatelle “Tentazioni” with Black Truffle Sauce)

The next dishes to dance on my taste buds also were divine.Tentazioni Restaurant London Bermondsey

Astice Grigliato con Millefoglie di Carpaccio di Filetto Servito con Insalatina di
Campo e Mele Granny Smith Fritte
(Grilled Wild Scottish Lobster with Beef Fillet Carpaccio Millefeuille Served with
Garden Salad and Deep Fried Grany Smith Apple)

Risotto ai Funghi Secchi e Fegato Grasso Servito con Quaglia Arrostita al Mirto
(Dried Porcini Mushrooms and Fresh Foie Gras Creamy Risotto Served with Oven
Baked Bone less Quail and Mirth Sauce)

For the grand finale, this chef, who gained working experience in Michelin star restaurants in Rome, teased us with a little ‘pick me up.’ Avid Sunny readers, you know that’s my favourite Italian dessert!

Tiramisù Martini alla Fiamma
(Classic Tiramisú Martini Flambé)

Tentazioni Restaurant London BermondseyIt was bellisima!

Tentazioni gets a ten out of ten for the ability to merge art with fine dining Italian food.

They change the menu every two weeks to offer a ‘creative Italian fare’ and use the highest quality ingredients.

I really enjoyed meeting the staff and can’t say enough about how enthusiastic and personable they are.

Tentazioni works well with vegetarians. The restaurant also has a lunchtime prix fixe option, Mezzogiorno Italiano. This option guarantees two courses delivered in only 30 minutes. You could eat there for a quick business lunch or use the private dining room on the first floor for private parties, corporate or business meetings.

Tentazioni Restaurant is at 2 Mill Street, Bermondsey, London SE1 2BD


  1. Sunny you will definitely have to venture more often south of the river we have some wonderful foodie treats. This restaurant looks wonderful beef carpaccio is an absolute favouirte and tagliatelle. Very few restaurants do italian well and this is definitely now on the foodie want list Lucy x

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