Burger and Lobster London Review Soho

Burger and Lobster London Review- £20 of juicy love!

Hello Sunshines! Grab a beer or glass of wine and have a seat, because this Burger and Lobster London review illustrates one of the juiciest discoveries I have made!

Not kidding.

Burger and Lobster London Review

After filling my soul with sun at the Dale Chihuly exhibition at the Halycon Gallery, I strolled through Mayfair to see where destiny would lead me. While navigating London’s tricky side streets via Maps on my iPhone, I saw “Burger and Lobster” featured on a nearby street and decided to give it a whirl.

Yikes! I couldn’t even squeeze inside because it was so packed. The bouncer hostess barricading the door indicated there would be a 45 minute wait. Bummer.

Around 45 minutes later, I had wandered to Soho and was beyond starving.  Walking down Dean Street, I noticed another Burger and Lobster. “Enough already,” I thought. I’m going in!

Burger and Lobster London Review

Although, there was also an equally long wait, I was able to score a seat at their bar. Party of ONE in the HOUSE!

A bartender verbally conveyed the 3-option menu:

·         Beef Burger (with/without bacon &cheese)

·         Lobster (whole grilled or steamed)

·         Lobster roll (served in a toasted brioche bun)

It’s quite simple really. If you’re vegetarian, this probably isn’t the place for you. And, if you like to eat gluten-free, you’re fairly limited to the whole lobster. Things could be worse, right? 😉

Burger and Lobster London Review

Oh yeah, and each entrée is £20, which includes salad and fries. They also have larger lobsters to share, which are priced by weight.

Burger and Lobster London Review

I anxiously awaited my order and started thinking maybe my hunger had caused me to be careless with my money.  How could a burger be worth £20? I watched the ginormous clock tick and tick as I second guessed my decision.

Burger and Lobster London Review 1

About 5 minutes later…..


Burger and Lobster London Review

Check out the size of that bad boy!

Like the exquisite artwork I viewed earlier, this was a one of a kind masterpiece. In fact, I wasn’t sure if I should disrupt the image by eating it or if I should just play paparazzi and snap photos for you! But for that £20 ticket price, there really was only one thing to do.


Just trying to get a firm grip on this hunka hunka beef was a struggle. As much as I tried to squish it together, I still couldn’t widen my jaws enough to get a clear top to bottom bite. While I tried, I felt a warm sensation drizzling down my arms.

JUICE JUICE BABY!!!!! Whoaaaaaaaaa.

With 10 ounces of 5 different cuts of beef, all I can say is- Hot damn this is the ticket!

I proudly finished every morsel, managed to graze through the salad, and put a fairly decent dent in the golden fries served as a side.

Burger and Lobster London Review

Burger and Lobster London Review

Burger and Lobster London Review

With a three option menu, quick service and quality food, Burger and Lobster made eating fun and WELL WORTH the £20. Also an honourable mention goes to the Soho staff member who creates their artwork. She’s super talented!

Burger and Lobster London Review

My suggestion to you is not to casually enter on a random day like I did. Either make a reservation at one of the locations that accepts them, or build the time in to your schedule and JUST DO IT!

I went back a few days after my visit to take some pictures inside when it wasn’t so crowded so you could have a peek at the fun, casual atmosphere.

Burger and Lobster London Review (7) Burger and Lobster London Review

Burger and Lobster has locations in: Mayfair, Soho, Farringdon, City, and Knightsbridge.

Check the website to see which ones take reservations, so you can avoid any confusion, and if you go, please let me know. I’d really like to hear about the lobster. It looked LA LA LUSCIOUS!

So, Sunny friends, where have you had delicious burgers in London?


    1. Please do, Meg! It looked so delicious. I generally eat gluten free too, but it I “took one for the team” and had the bun on my burger. If you go, please let me know what you think.

  1. It’s on our to try list – but I’m not sure which I choose – the delicious tummy ache, the luscious lobster or the roll. Hmmm…!
    Honest burgers are another great burger place.

    1. Thank you for reading, Emma! Great to meet you yesterday, finally! The lobster looked divine. It was so HUGE; it was sprawling off of the plate! (Two ladies next to me ordered it, but I was too shy to ask if I could photograph their meal). Really, it’s probably best to go with 3 people and order each thing on the menu to share. HAHA!

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