
Dirty Bones Restaurant in Soho- Instagram Kit

Have you seen the Instagram for Dirty Bones restaurant? If one of their shots of the Mac Daddy burger doesn’t make you drool, there is something seriously wrong with you. And now that I have finally eaten one, I can tell you it IS as good as it looks, Sunny friends. A picture of this bad boy was definitely Instagrammable.


Recently I was invited to write a story on secret things to do in Soho. This opportunity was exciting because Covent Garden (an adjacent neighbourhood for my non-London readers who don’t know the city that well) was the first place I ever lived in London. Walking through Soho every day gave me great knowledge of its many small streets. It also has a highly condensed population of restaurants that I have enjoyed through the years too.

Something that had been on my radar for new things to try in Soho was the alleged ‘Instagram Kit’ that Dirty Burger restaurant advertised as making available to customers.

Oddly enough, when I arrived at the restaurant a little before my table for two bookings a few weeks ago, the employee at the door had not heard of it either. He quickly sat me at my table and then disappeared for a few minutes. I assume he was searching for the Instagram Kit that I had told him I sure excited. In fact, when I had called to book my table, I made sure to ask if they still had it and if I had the right Dirty Bones restaurant.

My friend who always enjoys a dinner experience through the eyes of a blogger wasn’t set to arrive for another 15 minutes. As I sipped on my wine, I wondered if it would really be as fun of a dinner as I had indicated to her when extending the invite. If they couldn’t find the Instagram Kit, the burgers alone might not live up to the picturesque legend shown on Instagram.

Suddenly, the employee appeared with the ray of light. Take a look.



Ok, I get it. It’s really just a battery pack and small light stand. But, anyone who has ever had Instagram envy over someone else’s pictures (that is all of us isn’t it???) would understand why this kit is really taking foodporn to the next level.

Once setting up the Instagram Kit on my table, I was now really eager for my friend to arrive for our long over due catch up dinner with a flashy new toy.

We ordered Starters and chatted during the time it took them to arrive. I was a bit cheeky (or some would say very American) and ordered Mac Balls AND the Mac Daddy burger. It was one of those ‘when in Rome’ moments I guess because I felt if I was in a burger joint I should just go all out American and absorb as much home cooking as possible! The Mac Balls did not disappoint.


She stayed green and picked the Padron Peppers. I didn’t try any and took her word for it that they are delicious. Not long after, our burgers arrived.


She kept it simple and went with The Classic. And, when you’re ready, prepare to gain a few pounds just looking at my Mac Daddy burger.


Both shots, as well as the Starters, were actually taken with my old iPhone 6. Even though I had my new Canon camera, it just seemed easier to use a phone since the Instagram Kit worked so well in the low lighting of the restaurant.

Dirty Bones Restaurant Soho Instagram Kit: Final Thoughts

After using the kit and knowing how much Instagram matters to bloggers and pretty much everyone, I can’t understand why more restaurants don’t provide kits for customers. Ok, maybe if I was eating food at a Michelin starred restaurant I would be put off by a light sitting on someone’s table next to me. However, think about the fantastic presentation the chefs do for these meals. Isn’t it an injustice not to show off their work to all your followers?

Let me know what you think of the idea of an Instagram kit being provided by restaurants in the comments below, Sunny friends. It certainly made a difference for my experience as a food blogger!