Hotel Metropole Brussels Review

How Stella went on my Mini-moon at Hotel Metropole Brussels

Mr Sunny and I have not been able to get away for a few days together since we got married in November. So, we were super excited about the several nights we booked at the Hotel Metropole Brussels recently. We haven’t had the opportunity for a honeymoon, so this short trip is being billed as my ‘Sunny Mini-Moon.’

Through a great deal on Expedia, we purchased round-trip tickets on Eurostar and two nights at this 5-star luxury hotel. Mr Sunny added breakfast at the hotel each day to our stay because he knows how cranky I get without my morning meal.

We loved our experience on Eurostar, but I’ll say now that it sure beats all the inconveniences of flying. Hotel Metropole is a fairly short ride from ‘Bruxelles Midi’, Brussels train station. Minutes after our train arrived, we quickly caught a cab and paid around €15 for the ride.

The Hotel was absolutely as gorgeous in real life as it was in the website pictures.Hotel Metropole Brussels Review

Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels ReviewWe arrived before the room they reserved for us was ready. They gave us the choice of checking in to the type of room we had booked or waiting two more hours for a complimentary upgrade. Hmmmm. The Sunny ‘newlyweds’ opted to go from the Superior Room to a Privilege Room and guess where we passed the time…Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels Review
Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewWhen in Rome…. right?

Ok, ok, I know this is a story about a Brussels mini-moon. Hence the reason you don’t see my standard vino in the shot above. Prosecco was more appropriate for the time we were chillin’. And, well, it was only 11am 😉

After relaxing from our rather easy Eurostar trip under the sea, we took to the streets of Brussels to see what we could find.

Mr. Sunny had been to Brussels two times prior, but this was my first time in Belgium. I made the mistake of thinking he would be the designated tour guide on the trip. Big mistake. Huge.

When Mr Sunny was a cameraman for NBC News for many years, he was frequently sent with little notice (sometimes as short as 45 minutes) to international locations. Many times assignments were for war coverage. So, he’s not one to plan in advance or look at a map.

And, if you’re a serious Sunny reader, you know Mr Sunny loves his beer. Stella Artois is one of his standard selections.

I’m grateful Hotel Brussels was just a few minutes walk from all the stuff we wanted to see. Because we made a lot of stops for Stella.


We both loved our room when we returned to check in a few hours later. It was heavenly. I took pictures to prove that it wasn’t Belgium beer goggles clouding the perspective.
Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels ReviewAnd, I have to admit that I always giggle when I see these contraptions in European hotels. Hotel Metropole Brussels Review

You can imagine the roaring laugh that came pouring out when I saw it, considering I had a few glasses of Prosecco boosting my already bubbly personality. I decided the bidet would be for a royal flush if the Beer Goddess Stella needed a throne.

We were easily able to get everywhere we wanted to go by walking because of Hotel Metropole’s fabulous location. That made life without a map or any real itinerary very easy. I had my fill of chocolate and waffles, and Mr Sunny also sipped on tons of Stella and other Belgium beers.

We had a blast on our trip. You have no idea how entertaining it is for two people to try to operate an iron elevator after a day of travelling and enjoying adult beverages.Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewHotel Metropole Brussels ReviewI’m not saying I know who those two people are, I’m just sayin’.

Making sure we went to the hotel’s breakfast each day was super smart of Mr Sunny.
Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewThere was an array of cold meats, cheeses, fruit, croissants, sausages, eggs, baked beans, smoked salmon, yogurt, cereals, and waffles (of course!)
Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewThe staff at Hotel Metropole Brussels was extremely helpful with everything we needed. We even received 2 complimentary bottles of beer, Coke and water with our room each day.

You’ll need to keep an eye on Sunny in London in the future to catch all the chocolate, waffles and beer consumed during our Brussels mini-moon. But, for now I’ll just say that our trip to Brussels was amazing, memorable and neither one of us was forced to sleep here…

Hotel Metropole Brussels ReviewStelllllllllllaaaaaaaaaa!

Hotel Metropole Brussels is located at Place de Brouckère 31, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.

Since this was posted, Hotel Metropole Brussels won the Travellers Choice 2015 Winner on TripAdvisor. You can read reviews and rates here.


  1. Your hotel looks ahhhmazing!! I’m thinking about booking a weekday trip with a friend to Brussells on the Eurostar! Waffles and beer and chocolate….is there a better way to spend the day?!

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