
How to Exchange Money for a Trip to London 

When you are planning a trip to London, what do you think about first? Chances are you are looking at attractions and shows to see. Next, you are probably researching hotels and restaurants.

One of the last things you probably plan is how to exchange money for a trip to London.

How to Exchange Money: Extra Fees

At the time I am publishing this article and YouTube video, the rate is £1=1.25 on an interbank rate. That’s the lowest possible exchange. You likely wouldn’t get that when swapping money because nothing is free, especially money 😉

This means that whatever company handles your exchange from American dollars to pounds sterling will charge a handling fee. However, some methods are cheaper than others.

How to Exchange Money: Tips for London

This video will give you 10 smart tips on how to approach spending money in London. It lists things you can do before you leave, while you are in London and when your trip ends. Yes, I know that sounds a bit too good to be true. However, I have left Heathrow airport with a refund for purchases in my hands. This VAT video shows you how.

I have received money back when I visited London to see Mr Sunny, before we got married and I moved here.

There is something you must keep in mind as you watch the video. There isn’t one plan that fits all. Some people prefer using cash only so they stick to their budget. Some people like credit cards for rewards programs. I give you tips for exchanging money for all these options below. Well, except Traveler’s Checks. Does anyone even use those anymore?

How to Exchange Money: Video Advice

Please leave your strategies for what you do to save money on exchanging currencies when you travel either in the comments here or on the Sunny News YouTube channel. I love learning about other options to save money while traveling and know that others appreciate the ideas too. You’ll find a great community of travelers on my Sunny News channel, so subscribe if you’d like to join us!

The blog article I wrote last year based on the debit card from Travelex is How To See Four Attractions in One Day in London.

The Sunny News YouTube channel, shares even more advice for things to do and what you’ll need to know about London. This includes safety tips, advice for visiting hidden pubs, and a shopping guide. The blog also has a Guide for Americans Visiting London which is a collection of the top experiences I recommend. You’ll definitely want to bookmark it and visit the Pinterest boards created to help trip planning too.


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