Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review

Whyte and Brown Restaurant- It’s Clucking Great!

For centuries we’ve pondered, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?’ It’s obvious at the Whyte and Brown Restaurant in London- both come first!

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review

Located in one of my favorite hot spots, Kingly Court in Carnaby Street, this beautiful restaurant focuses on just two ingredients, chicken and egg. Ok, there’s another ingredient they incorporate… CRAFT BEER!

I stopped in for a quick lunch just before attending  Think Ink’s Black Roses and Kraken Rum Valentine’s Day event and had a truly exceptional experience.

First, I ordered the Croquette Balls with Smokey Tomato Sauce from the Starter menu.

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

It features pancetta, shredded chicken and bechamel sauce. Doesn’t this just look AMAZE-BALLS?

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

Well, it definitely is!

Next, I selected the Wild Mushroom Risotto Scotch Egg from the Chicken and Egg portion of the menu.

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

Combined with truffle oil, aged Parmesan and healthy blend of curly kale, this dish is phenomenal! And just because I can’t resist a good pun, let’s go in for a closer, bird’s eye view…

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

Aside from the food being spectacular, I was really impressed with the service. I had the fortune of working with Vance McAllister, the Operations Director, when choosing my courses. I have to say, his knowledge of wine is top notch. He spent several minutes discussing my taste preferences and chose a glass that matched both of my food selections perfectly. Actually, he suggested an option for each course, but considering I was heading to an event sponsored by Kraken Rum, I needed to pace myself for the day. 😉

The restaurant spans several floors, and you can even eat outside.

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review (8) Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

No worries, they share the courtyard with Wright Bros. Soho Oyster House, and there are numerous heaters so you won’t get too cold on those chilly London days.

Whyte and Brown Restaurant Review London

Other reasons you should peak your beak around Whyte and Brown Restaurant:

–          They offer fantastic deals for Londoners. During the Tube Strike, if you quoted “Keep Calm” when you ordered, they took a whopping 50% off your food bill. Oh yeah!!! And when the strike was cancelled on the second week, they still offered 25% off. BOOOM! (Follow them on Twitter to keep in the loop.)

–          Their new menu debuted on February 19th and aside from offering many seasonal selections, it concentrates even more on pairing craft beers with their food. Check out their website to learn about their current Early Bird promotion.

–          They purchase products from British producers and make an effort to know them personally. This includes working with micro-breweries across England.

–          And finally, you should check them out, because I SAID SO!

As always, Sunny friends, let me know what you think of Whyte and Brown Restaurant when you visit. I’d love to hear feedback about the new menu.


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