
What Food to Eat in Malta

Do you try to eat regional cuisine when you go on a holiday? Curiosity about what food to eat in Malta was one of the things that had Mr. Sunny and I eager to start our holiday. Yes, of course we couldn’t wait to get out in the sun and sand. However, you can’t bake outside all day. Can you? 😉

Part of our research for our trip involved investigating what local food we could eat while in Malta for five days. Some of the things were pretty easy to learn about in our pre-trip planning. However, some items we discovered through talking to Maltese people and then ordering the items for ourselves.

If you haven’t discovered my Malta Trip planning videos yet on YouTube, you’ll definitely want to give those a look. I am careful not to put the same information in the video and blog that matches it. For example, we will start with pizza. That’s always a good place to begin a conversation, right?


Food to Eat in Malta: Pizza

While I hope that picture above looks delish, I actually didn’t like it, and I don’t mention pizza in the video. If you look again, you’ll notice that it seems only the bread is baked. The other ingredients just feel like they are tossed on the top. In fact, it was a typical windy day in Malta when I had the pizza, so most of the ingredients blew off the top of it before I got to eat it all. If you’re an American girl like me, keep in mind that pizza will be served much differently in Malta.

Food to Eat in Malta: tomatoes

Juicy alert! Mr. Sunny and I both were enamoured with the tomatoes in Malta. They are so luscious and rich with flavor. Every bite is an explosion of warm sweet love. After realising it wasn’t at just one restaurant, we asked one of our tour guides to tell us more. We learned that Malta only exports a few food products. The top two are tomatoes and potatoes. Because of their very hot weather conditions and great soil, they are able to grow exceptionally good tomatoes in Malta. So, get your mouth around as many of these little red balls of juicy joy as you can while you are there! Oh, and the watermelon is crispy, sweet and fresh too.

Food to Eat in Malta: Restaurants

Since we were only in Malta for a five days, we didn’t get to his nearly as many restaurants as we would have liked. One we missed is Barracuda Restaurant in Sliema. My friend who was also in Malta at the same time said it was fantastic. Many celebrities have eaten there.

However, the most romantic location we went to was in Valletta.


I went back the next day to quickly take the photo of Papannis because we were there late in the evening and had a table inside. It was 95 degrees the day we went and they have air conditioning! We highly recommend eating here for Italian food.

In the YouTube video I show you the spectacular views you can see at the seafood restaurant below.


Our Game of Thrones private tour guide identified Fontanella in Mdina, the country’s former capital, as having excellent views of Mdina. It was packed with eager diners when we passed it.


Food to Eat in Malta: Final Thoughts

Our typical bill was between €70-€80 for dinner and included a starter, main course and two drinks each. Mr. Sunny had beer as always, and I enjoyed red wine. To see more about what I suggest you eat in Malta, take a few minutes to watch this…

More on Malta:

To make sure you don’t miss any Sunny updates about visiting Malta, be sure to subscribe to the Sunny News. Videos and advice articles about Malta on the blog include:

On the blog you can also find my review of Air Malta and Grand Hotel Excelsior Malta. I haven’t created a video of the cruise and Blue Lagoon experience yet. If that’s something you would like to see, please let me know in the comments. Also, leave any questions you think I can answer about planning your Malta trip here or on YouTube. If you have been to Malta, it would be great if you can add your advice here too!




  1. Hey! Thank you for all the tips! Going to Malta in two weeks and they will sure be useful!
    Just one remark, about the pizza: it is a very traditional Italian recipe (pizza con prosciutto crudo, rucola e scaglie di parmigiano), and it is always made this way – first the dough is baked with just mozarella +sauce on it, and the rest of ingredients (rocket, parma ham and parmesan cheese) will be added on top after baking, cold. So I would not say it is Maltans fault, it is how the Italians always did this one! 🙂
    (Though I would not be surprised if the Italians made it better 😉 )

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